Are you not interested in being compatible with Armory? Or rather, getting Armory compatible with it? Armory offline wallets basically already do this, they just require bigger hardware (laptop), and less secure transfer method (USB transfer using bulky operating systems). I always wanted to expand to dedicated hardware just like this, but my hardware skills are nil.
I'll offer my advice anyway, even though no one asked for it: there are lots of ways to do this kind of device, but there's one mode of operation I think it should have: the device has a hardware switch on the back behind a little door that is accessible, but impossible to flip by accident. The switch allows for uploading new wallet data. Data that is uploaded to the secure chip is not downloadable -- it's a one-way channel.
The user creates their full wallet using Armory/Multibit/Electrum on a temporarily-offline computer (live session), they print off a couple paper copies, create a watching-only copy, then they flip the switch to allow uploading the wallet to the device. Copy the watching-only wallet to the online computer, stash your paper copy in a safe-deposit box, and then flush the original copy on the computer by rebooting. Now you're ready to go.
There's other modes of operation to consider, but I think the flexibility of managing the wallet initially from a laptop/desktop is ideal. This gives lots of options for watching-only wallets, making address lists, etc.
The device could also have a separate memory bank for downloading the watching-only wallet from it. This isn't ideal, since it tells an attacker how much money it's protecting (if they didn't already know), but it provides excellent versatility. Maybe not the best idea, but good food for thought.
This stuff is already available in Armory, it just uses a different wallet format and data transfer format (BIP 10). Theoretically, if you adopted both, it would work with Armory
right now, and you'd have the rest of the cold-storage software infrastructure completed already. Of course, standardizing on BIP 32 is the path forward, and Armory will be implementing that... Also, I've been seeking people to help design a new
BIP 10, so maybe you'll be inspired to help. You need to make sure that you accommodate multi-sig transactions, too ... make sure the transfer protocol accommodates pushing P2SH scripts, and the device knows how to sign them.