Usually, it's only one coach for the entire team.
So with NaVi, they're having 6 different coaches? That's a lot of budget for them to have but every time when TI is near, every team is doing something like this for better development to qualify there.
Well , not all of them but most of them are having personal coaches for pubs games and then they share data and stats of their games to the main coach, so pretty impressive if you ask me. Also , it seems that more and more pro players are starting to do this for their pubs game so competition might get super tight during this year.
Well, upon hearing that from you surprised me honestly. Because with what I know, it's just usually one coach, an analyst and for OG, they've got something like a behavioral or psychological coach.
They're investing more time and money on this because they're all thinking that it's going to help them boost more of their play styles and performances. Pubs these are no longer the same pubs as before, the feeling is like each pub game you play at high mmr rankings is like an actual tournament game if no trolls and crybabies for each team.