E:\Test Miner\Etarminer_v_1_5exp\Etarminer_v_1_5exp>Etarminer -url
http://eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008 -wlt 0xF04f7978AA95be8D6ACa243b7150fe3384946592 -wrk 1 -eml x -int 18 -wsz 128 -exp 0 -ess 1
* Etarminer v1.5 for ethereum mining *
* with 1% development fee *
Driver version API: 7.0
Found 2 Cuda device.
Cuda device[0]:GeForce GTX 980(4095Mb)
Compute capability: 5.2
Device have:2048 cores
Cuda device[1]:GeForce GTX 980(4095Mb)
Compute capability: 5.2
Device have:2048 cores
Stat. server enable
Main>Try logined to eth-ru.dwarfpool.com
Epoch 73
CACHE create..complete
GPU1 tOFF set:85C
GPU0 tOFF set:85C
error cuModuleLoad1-209
error cuModuleLoad1-209
I think it is because the old drivers that use the api 7.0 you have the opportunity to put the driver 369.05 ?
980 normal hash rate only 347.52
with new driver hash rate = 5mh/s
ok, i am try istall this driver and see what happen..
Thank you very much !
Try this archive Etarminer_v_1_5exp_980.zip
I think cuda 7.0 is not suported ptx 4.3 and that is why you see error.
I am replace 4.3 to 4.2
Everything works fine!!!
What hashrate you get?
This version miner have two kernel. You may select -exp 0 (or without exp) or -exp 1 (see what kernel gives more hashrate)
* Etarminer v1.5 for ethereum mining *
* with 1% development fee *
Driver version API: 7.0
Found 2 Cuda device.
Cuda device[0]:GeForce GTX 980(4095Mb)
Compute capability: 5.2
Device have:2048 cores
Cuda device[1]:GeForce GTX 980(4095Mb)
Compute capability: 5.2
Device have:2048 cores
Stat. server enable
Main>Try logined to eth.pool.minergate.com
Epoch 73
CACHE create..complete
GPU1 tOFF set:85C
GPU0 tOFF set:85C
GPU0 intensity:20
GPU0 worksize :128
GPU0 smtarget :52
GPU1 intensity:20
GPU1 worksize :128
GPU1 smtarget :52
Device[0]: DAG generate..
Device[1]: DAG generate..
Device[0]: generate complete (3720 ms)
Device[1]: generate complete (3771 ms)
Main>Try logined to eth.pool.minergate.com
23:03:21 New Job <3f4b0c39>
Total: 41.19 MH/s,GPU0 20.76 MH/s,GPU1 20.43 MH/s,A:0,R:0 Time: 0
GPU0 46C, GPU1 44C
23:03:24 New Job <9d624f59>
GPU1 Share Found -)
nonce : addc3e4ab26cc910
digest: 761dccbd08324e2c3c9c5dbe710357d75b5d060e79dfddd2d24afcb9b0ede543
header: cf74001c576d6d19d856d9cd5cf6cf17d8a30dfc9f19098d4778b5684b449e7a
Share Acept-54ms
Total: 41.20 MH/s,GPU0 20.77 MH/s,GPU1 20.43 MH/s,A:1,R:0 Time: 0
23:03:30 New Job
GPU0 Share Found -)
nonce : 3978864fe69bef6e
digest: 454afab5e6751376e404fa265a9ad59a20ce1d48ee745164902ae00512ac9ed3
header: 1793ad7d2c9ef204e6843b4e5749729d6da66230f4280140e40bd9902a1f0d20
Share Acept-54ms
Total: 41.19 MH/s,GPU0 20.76 MH/s,GPU1 20.44 MH/s,A:2,R:0 Time: 0
Total: 41.20 MH/s,GPU0 20.77 MH/s,GPU1 20.43 MH/s,A:2,R:0 Time: 0
GPU0 47C, GPU1 45C
GPU1 Share Found -)
nonce : b3a2c6aaf738e3d2
digest: 73d7492e1ea2986d6f4b42538b5452e53de07c228ebcdd195d54a756245cc318
header: 1793ad7d2c9ef204e6843b4e5749729d6da66230f4280140e40bd9902a1f0d20
Share Acept-52ms
Total: 41.23 MH/s,GPU0 20.77 MH/s,GPU1 20.46 MH/s,A:3,R:0 Time: 0
Total: 41.20 MH/s,GPU0 20.77 MH/s,GPU1 20.42 MH/s,A:3,R:0 Time: 0
GPU1 Share Found -)
nonce : b3a2c6ab0665ef0f
digest: 798448cb49c3f04145e6ad1c2728671839e69f33ca291ee424c96cd2394ad919
header: 1793ad7d2c9ef204e6843b4e5749729d6da66230f4280140e40bd9902a1f0d20
Share Acept-54ms
Total: 41.22 MH/s,GPU0 20.78 MH/s,GPU1 20.44 MH/s,A:4,R:0 Time: 0
GPU0 47C, GPU1 46C
Total: 41.22 MH/s,GPU0 20.78 MH/s,GPU1 20.45 MH/s,A:4,R:0 Time: 0
Total: 41.23 MH/s,GPU0 20.78 MH/s,GPU1 20.45 MH/s,A:4,R:0 Time: 0
GPU1 Share Found -)
nonce : b3a2c6ab17653212
digest: bb9f39074edfaff962c9faa74a75ea080e9eca86f693a56847e0d17941b72993
header: 1793ad7d2c9ef204e6843b4e5749729d6da66230f4280140e40bd9902a1f0d20
Share Acept-52ms
23:04:04 New Job <1793ad7d>
Total: 41.22 MH/s,GPU0 20.77 MH/s,GPU1 20.45 MH/s,A:5,R:0 Time: 0
GPU0 47C, GPU1 46C
Про 2 ядра не понял про -exp 1 или -exp 0