Etarminer v.1.9 (windows)
Etarminer v.1.8 (linux)
For cuda device only!
--------------------------------- version is designed for mining ethereum through pool only (dwarfpool, and other)
Only cuda device support! For x64 Win7, Win8, Linux.
- Dag file is not needed. It is created automatically on the GPU.
- High speed DAG generation.
- Fully writing from scratch of mining algorithm that gives the best result in comparison with the standard miner.
Using the Etarminer is free.
The values of local parameters overwrite the values of global!
Use this command line parameter:
-url Ethereum pool address and port. Only Stratum protocol is supported.
symblol ":" is a separator between the address and port number.
Ex, -url -wrk Worker name, it is necessary for some pools.
Ex, -wrk 1
-wlt Wallet address. Need for dwarfpool for example.
Ex, -wlt 0xF04f7978AA95be8D6ACa243b7150fe3384946592
-eml Email address. Need for dwarfpool for example.
Ex, -eml x
-int Global. The intensity of mining. Use 18(default) for the comfort of the whole system.
And 19,20 for the GPU more loads.
Ex, -int 18
-intg Local. The intensity for gpu specified in the list.
Ex, -intg g0 18 g1 20 (gpu0 will work with intensity 18, gpu0 will work with intensity 20 remaining gpu
on global parameter -int or default.
-wsz Global. For all the gpu.
The number of threads per block. Always a multiple of 32. Using the value 64,128(default),256
Ex, -wsz 128
-wszg Local. The number of threads per unit for gpu specified in the list.
Ex, -wszg g0 64 g1 128 (gpu0 will work with 64 threads per block, gpu0 will work with 128 threads per block, tremaining gpu
on global parameter -wsz or default.
-tsmg Local. Which architecture to customize the kernel the listed gpu. The value of the two numbers.
By default, the kernel of each gpu receives a pointer to equal its compute capality. T.e. Geforce gtx 1070,
which has compute capability 6.1, get a pointer 61.
If for some reason gpu does not start and the error "FATAL ERROR GPU" appears. Set the value -tsmg
gpu selected to a smaller value. This applies to cards with Pascal architecture.
Ex, -tsmg g0 53
-slcg Local. Use only the specified GPU for mining.
Ex, -slcg g0 g3 use only gpu1 and gpu3 for mining
-ess Global. Enable / disable the built-in statistics server. The default setting (enable) is equivalent to value -ess 1
Ex, -ess 0 disables server statistics
-pss Global. Change the port for the miner server statistics. The default port 10001
Ex, -pss 8000 Use port 8000 for the statistics server.
-toffg Local. The temperature above which, the selected GPU will be suspended,
to reduce the GPU temperature at 15C
By default, all stop temperature GPU 85C.
Example, -toffg g0 90
Command line example runs .bat file:
Example for dwarfpool
Etarminer -url -wlt YOURWALLET -wrk 1 -eml x
Example for coinmine:
Etarminer -url -wlt LOGIN.WORKER -eml password
Example for ethermine:
Etarminer -url -wlt YOURWALLET -wrk 1 -eml x
Example for coinotron:
Etarminer -url -wlt LOGIN.WORKER -eml PASSWORD
Example for digger:
Etarminer -url [Suspicious link removed]:8008 -wlt YOURWALLET -wrk 1 -eml x
Example for suprnova:
Etarminer LOGIN.WORKER -eml password
Example for nicehash:
Etarminer -url -wlt BITCOINWALLET.WORKER -eml 1
Using the app to collect statistics Etarstat:
Add miner and in open window set:
name your miner
ip adress miner in IPv4 format
port miner
If need use right click menu:
to edit miner settings
to remove miner from list
to view console data miner
to restart miner with parameters
to quit from aplication
Miner background color mean:
no connection with miner
conection with miner and pool establish
conection with miner establish, but pool is not answered
Use checkbox to disable/enable sound notification
Settings save when aplication close
When you select a miner from the list at the bottom of the window you will see command line parameters,
which run miner was. if necessary, add to change in settings, and restart the miner through the menu.