Those who still believe that Ethereum is having a good future potential are living in fool's paradise. Ethereum is continuing as the no.2 cryptocurrency just because of the monopoly it had on smart contract platforms in the beginning. But that scenario is now changing, with a number of competitors posing stiff competition to Ethereum in this field. The ETH developers are trying to delay the decline, by creating hype related to ETH 2.0. But in due time, everyone will understand that ETH 2.0 is just an eyewash.
You are semi-right and semi-wrong. I do agree that it doesn't have to stay at two, it could drop and become somewhere in top ten but not the big one. However at the same time I believe it could go up as well, which means while others do 4x, ethereum should do 2x and that should happen a few times. BNB for example needs to do nearly 10x to reach that.
So long story short, I do agree that ethereum could drop and not be the second biggest coin, however I do think that it will continue to go up as well anyway. That's what I imagine would happen, I can't say that it will definitely happen but I think it will probably happen in the future.
This of course after we see what this eth 2.0 brings, maybe it will make it so great that it will solidify the second position and make it so much better, if that happens I think it will be both higher price and more worthy as well.