Now while entering the Federated Blockchain i am doing something that has quite some similarities with the founding of Europecoin:
Its again, honestly, two numbers to big, given my resources and my knowledge. The reason i dare to do it is for sure my experiences with Europecoin,
that projects that are to big, are just big enough.
Can you provide more info on the Federated Blockchain? Not familiar
I am currently writing a paper it will be ready late Monday (tomorrow) or on Tuestday-
I gathered some Developerteams like Diamond foundation, Bitsend and others for
this Initiative. Diamond has already been on the same path at that time.
After the whitepaper is published, we will have a conference one week later and discuss
the details.
A Foudation is founded named "Federal Blockchains Initiative" and goal is to build a unified
API that allows any altcoin to permissionless enter any other coins services or services directly via a trustlogic agnostic servicebus.
Coins and coins, services and services, coin and services in any combination should be accessible,
not only without permission of other chains or networks, but also without users being dependent on coin-maintainers.
Therefore this technologie will have
1) to be mostly located in his wallet (as it is in cryptocurrency's)
2) to be a universal "plugin" that does not alter or compromise the core, but extends its RPC Command line
3) should not touch trustlogic and only act as a means of transportation / transformation
Nearly all Altcoins and even in some way Bitcoin, are still dependent on Governance in one or in an other form.
And most Coin 2.0 innovations are making things even worse, by adding another layer, that requires permiission.
We have to get rid of that and i am prepared to make making myself as maintainer obsolete.
Governance is not freedom, is not decentralization, its the opposite and we will have to get rid of it.
Only then will crypto have the liberating impact, that it for sure potentially has.
Future is scripted, connected and permissionless,
But don't get me wrong, though there is a concept, a semi technical paper, i attracted developers,
got some code and i am even in talks with first interested sponsors, its a long way to go.
Nonetheless better than nothing, that's what is planned and achieved so far, the first steps are made,
and next week, after the meeting we will start rocking
.... oops i only indented to answer, posting this flyer and a few words
Anyway here is the flyer
have fun