Bitcoin is perfectly fungible. Anyone who claims otherwise is confusing economic concepts.
wow really? lol
here is the definition of the economic concept of FUNGIBILITY:
definition: Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are capable of mutual substitution. That is, it is the property of essences or goods which are "capable of being substituted in place of one another."
You sure you want to claim that it is "perfectly fungible"?
If someone decides not to accept some bitcoins vs other bitcoins ....then it is no longer "perfectly fungible".
I can draw and deface a bank note, does that make fiat not "perfectly fungible"?
Are we talking about fiat? No.
We are talking about bitcoin.
But to address your issue let's discuss it...
No one said fiat was perfectly fungible. I never said it for sure. But I do see that if you stole fiat from someone let's name them James. James loses money to a thief named Jamal.
Jamal now can do what he wants with the cash and no one really knows where the cash went (assuming there are no list of serial numbers that James claims he had on the bills).
But problem with that is not many of the public will go through the effort to look up the serial numbers of bills they are receiving as payment from Jamal. Too cumbersome.
Therefore fiat is more fungible than bitcoin in terms of functionality.
If you do the same thing with bitcoin with James having Jamal steal his bitcoin...well now you have the block chain that is public and accessible to anyone on the internet and you can track where those coins go.
See the problem?