There has been no definite evidence to prove these theories at all. Shouldn't all monkeys have evolved to being man by now.
I agree with you. If that theory is true there will me no monkey around the world by now.
That kind of arguments makes evolutionist feel smart, because he can have the answer for such a questions. He can say that we had not came from monkey that are in existence. You see? It was created out of this world. Makes sense? Confused person would agree it makes sense because that had answered his question of why monkeys are still monkeys. Its not those monkeys. It's like an Obi-wan talking to the stormtrooper "it's not the drones you were looking for".
The problem is different. Where is this evidence of this ancestral primate that monkey and human supposedly came from. I am being paranoidal from time to time, right in this case.
My paranoia in this case is that, its a conscious social engineering, that you have to first popularise such a low hanging fruit in society as the quote above, to have a population of evolutionist trolls feeding on such a low hanging fruits. The best if the low hanging fruits are some low inteligent catholics, that would breed hate into the evolutionist trolls against God.
I'm sorry man but I can prove to you with 10000% accuracy that your religion, your beliefs, and your absurd belief in the fact that humans have been magically created by some man in a sky. I can prove it to anyone that has their mind open enough to possibly look beyond their own biases and "ENTERTAIN" the fact that what they believe MAY not be the truth. You don't know anything your just regurgitating what other people in your faith have taught you, you do not have original thoughts or Ideas just a bunch of garbage spewed out by the same people over and over......
Cause and effect are possibly the most basic of all sciences. Virtually all scientific investigation is based on C&E. We see C&E in billions of things on earth. We witness it happening among the stars. We have found nothing that contradicts it. All we have found so far is that we don't know the causes of everything. But, if the future is anything like the past, all we will find are causes for everything else we look into scientifically.
Pick up a handful of sand. Throw it into the air. The pattern that the sand produces when it falls to the ground is quite complex. There were many forces acting on
that sand. But, all those forces were "programmed" into place by whatever set cause and effect up in the first place.
Will your handful of sand ever produce enough complexity that it will become alive someday? We don't know. But probably not. However, if it does, it was all programmed to happen like that, through cause and effect, by whatever set up C&E in the first place.
How do you get life, the human brain, the human mind, intelligence, emotion, spirit and soul, by random chance? There is absolutely nothing in the experience of human kind that suggests you can get these things by accident. C&E shows that everything has been programmed. Programming means a Programmer. And a Programmer that can program through C&E to make a universe like we have, is Almighty God way beyond any God we could predict or imagine God to be like.