I thinks everyone can see it's you the ignorant one about science..
Lets get this right who is arguing for SCIENCE me or you ..
Science is the key to life..
And because of evolution theories we have many sciences that have help your so called life ..
You know nothing only what you are told in your preachers manuals ..
And you are Badeckers brother ..
I know more than you will ever know
Science is not the key of life, your brain, consciousness is.
Science is just a way of ripping something into bits and examining it by calculus.
There are many things that science can't explain and scientists can't even understand. Why? Because they like you believe that if something is not scientifically proven it doesn't exist.
I believe this is the brainwash ladixdev is referring to, and I agree. By teaching children to rely mainly on science only contribute to the consuneralistic society, full of unhappy people who feel like they don't really belong here. Thinking that getting a better job or a better ranking will make them feel better, so they spend their whole lives chasing the hopes of a better future, which never really satisfies them. Why? Because they don't know who to live in the moment.
Planning the future is only good for people, who know how to enjoy the moment.
Ladixdev how do you perceive God and what is your religion? What do you think how the earth was created, and how did we end up here?
If it's not proven then it doesn't exist .. You have to prove something for it to exist ..
You can THEORISE about something and yes you maybe right BUT you still have to prove it to be so for it to exist ..
And for having that kind of thinking deeply rooted into your brain you will never be able to experience anything beyond materialistic. Because it doesn't doesn't exist for you.
I don't have to prove shit for something to exist. It either does exist or it doesn't. The "scientific - materialist" way of thinking is what is holding us back from truly thriving as a society. We could be communicating with aliens by now if this way of thinking wouldn't be the basis for scientific research. If we would just allow things to happen without being forced to explain them to all the brainwashed sheelpe there would be so much more in our lives, so much more truly interesting and fascinating discussions. So much more exciting experiences.
But I understand that there's no point of trying to explain it to you. You must find your own way to the truth, no one can really show you the way. It's like explaining what's the difference of red and blue to a ever blind person. Or a dog.
We would be talking to aliens or we be the rulers of the GALAXY and would would be the first to set rules in our own part of the universe ..
The galactic law made by humans ..
See i am LOGICAL..
we have been waiting for 5 thousand years for some magic sky daddy to save the day BUT to no avail ..
Now if we get real and use FACTS like science we can save the day then get into mind magic later on ..
What are you going to use your magic brain power and get an alien to give us a spaceship?..
I thinks we use science to build a ship so we can explore the universe and then we will understand way more than we will ever know by using science..