Those of you who disbelieve evolution because it disputes your religious beliefs. Religion is the single most commonly used form of brainwashing know to man. You are raised to believe so you do. If you were first told about religion after your twenties, you would clearly see what a hoax it truly is. I have studied many faiths. All are absolutely laughable once you study their individual belief systems. Christian say Muslims are going to hell.Muslims say Christians are. Both sides swear they are right. However, both sides have committed unimaginable atrocities in the name of their savior. If there were a god I am sure he would not want you to kill nonbelievers.there is not. That is as much a fact of life as the world is round.
Live your life. Be free and be happy.
The pb for me is religion is a bit double meaning.
There is the first meaning which has to do with the ethymology of "religare" creating bond between people, and it's the cultural / social aspect which is the aspect that is closer to brainwashing, or at least social conditioning.
It's the bad aspect of religion.
But there is the philosophical aspect of it, and in itself it's not really encouraging brainwashing, on the contrary. It touch the infinity, what is beyond us.
I dont know the coran enough, but in the bible it's very clear it take on the basis of socrates, plato, and dont encourage brainwashing at all, on the contrary.
Jesus depicted in the bible is not a good case for showing blind following of social norm
Im sure digging a bit back into it, it's very easy to show how the bible is totally the best anti brainwashing tool available. And it's very explicit at that.
And actually I come from completely atheists background, I have origin from spain civil war, I cannot say religion is very praised in my familly lol
I started to get interested into this in my 30 maybe, and there are still very deep things to learn from religious books.
If you study faith from the social aspect, you are missing a bit the point. Or you are just seeing the lowest part of it who is not very interesting.
But that's very complex topic to study how belief play with social integration etc But cant say the origin of religion is about integrating whatever social norm you are born into.
And I gotcha all the brainwashed "pseudo Christian " or muslim based on their own book that most of them dont even really read or understand.
There is very few atheists great scientists actually.