Ugh... we are talking on a philosophical level about a god entity.
In this case i stated i could accept a god entity which equals our nature/universe/phisycal principles etc pp.
Im not atheist per se, because i have an open minded personality, it is more i guess in direction of an agnostic.
But overall this is not an important factor of my life it is just more of a though experiment.
No but why a god ..Why the need for something more powerful than your self?..
Why not it's just science simple science..?
Something went bang because of blah blah blah blah..
Why oh it went bang because of a god or some type of god..
This is just semantics now.
You could just call it nature if you dont like the word god.
Check out the topics about pantheism and spinozism.
Spinozism (also spelled Spinoza-ism or Spinozaism) is the monist philosophical system of Baruch Spinoza which defines "God" as a singular self-subsistent substance, with both matter and thought being attributes of such.
In a letter to Henry Oldenburg Spinoza wrote: "as to the view of certain people that I identify god with nature (taken as a kind of mass or corporeal matter), they are quite mistaken".[1] For Spinoza, our universe (cosmos) is a mode under two attributes of Thought and Extension. God has infinitely many other attributes which are not present in our world. According to German philosopher Karl Jaspers, when Spinoza wrote "Deus sive Natura" ("God or Nature") Spinoza meant God was Natura naturans not Natura naturata, that is, "a dynamic nature in action, growing and changing, not a passive or static thing
Did god tell him this OR did he make this up?..God has infinitely many other attributes which are not present in our world..
You see i find it strange why people need a god..
Is it the need to be loved no matter what we do?.
Are you scared to die?
thunder was the start of gods to tell stories to children to make them scared ..
Pack it in jack or the thunder god will get you ..
And thousands of years later we come to this point were people blow themselves up for make believe stories that all started from THUNDER..
And because of this thunder we have people not blaming the thunder but blaming something that they don't even know what it is
So how did we get here ..Well i don't know but something put us here ..NO SHIT
Even a reason why things explode..
before the Big bang ..
A black hole sucks all the matter in and the matter gets to heavy for the black hole .
Then because it's to heavy it explodes ripping a new part of the universe to release all it's matter..
Creating new galaxies and solar systems .
And because it's a collapsed black hole you can travel down them into a new part of the universe..
MAYBE ^^.. And that's how aliens travel vast distances MAYBE ..
No that's not what happened a man like being or an unknown thing went zap and then there was a bang..
Just please tell me what you think your gods look like describe it or him..
Nature so a tree is god?..
So dogs piss on god?..