I have several questions I would to get answers to and find solutions.
I'm running 8xGigabyte 1080s on one rig and they are working like a charm, no specific config, nothing, except OC, all cards running about 565-575 Sol/s - mems 120/600. Uptime 16 days.
Second one is with 8x EVGA FTW 1080s, first try was 125/680 which was working fine for more then 12 hours, then I got "Looks like GPU0 are stopped. Restart attempt." after what I lowered the mems on same as Gigabyte 120/600, but I constantly getting the same error.
So the question is next: (I will solve the OC problem with EVGA but if you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear that) how can I configure the miner that if it stops hashing to restart itself?
With Claymore's miner I'm using script which force stops the terminal itself and launches it again, but in case of Claymore I have a triger to run the bat file to do this (in case anyone interested here's the script)
call :sub >log-%DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.txt
exit /b
echo. #############################################
echo. %time% Check if old miner process exists and kill it
taskkill /f /im EthDcrMiner64.exe
echo. %time% Starting new Miner process one...
start /d "E:\Claymore's Miner" start.bat
echo. %time% Done!
timeout 5 >nul
exit 0
The next and less important for now question is how can I combine different rigs in one monitoring also like in Claymore's monitoring? For ether 100+ rigs are monitored with one monitoring instance and emailing and sms monitoring gives me ability to quickly respond if something happens, how is this possible in EWBF case?
This might help you to restart EWBF miner in case of any error:
miner --server zec-eu1.nanopool.org --port 6666 --user [USER] --pass x --eexit 3 --log 2 --logfile ZCASH.%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%.ewbf.log --pec
goto :restart
I personally use to monitor a rig on localhost and if you add firewall exception in windows plus port forwarding in router and a DDNS service, this could be accessible from everywhere, I also use an uptime monitor service to ping this address for each rig and send me notification for any down time.
Hope that help you.
Thanks for this tip, what dows this command actually do --eexit 3? All others I'm familiar with. And btw are there any live commands in live terminal like s or r in Claymore's miner?
I'm using remote monitoring and it's way nicer and comfortable than any others out there, but so far it has been good only for live preview