Hey all,
Just wanted to reiterate stuff I found in another thread, the whois info on coinsmarket was fake:
First off:
We completely understand the community's frustrations regarding CoinsMarkets, but do not wish to start a manhunt on the owners to harass or threaten them. This is not the type of impression Lemanum wishes to convey. Recently, I Tiny_Dave/TinyGuy personally traded under 7 Euros worth of Lemanum to check if everything was working as it should be. It was not. The CoinsMarkets situation has adversely effected the Lemanum community, due to witholding over 20 million Lemanum coins. This is unacceptable.
The address information:
Bitcointalk user “stoffel” created an impressive write-up, which contained all of the contact details they were able to find regarding the location of CoinsMarkets. This can be found here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.27944798. The address details obtained are as follows: “Surinamestraat 26, Den Haag”, which is in The Netherlands. As “stoffel” stated, there is a foundation as well as a business registered to this address. This can be confirmed by visiting the website of the KVK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce):
https://www.kvk.nl/zoeken/handelsregister/#!uitgebreid-zoeken&handelsnaam=&kvknummer=&straat=surinamestraat&postcode=&huisnummer=26&plaats=Den Haag&hoofdvestiging=true&rechtspersoon=true&nevenvestiging=true&zoekvervallen=0&zoekuitgeschreven=1&start=0&initial=0&searchfield=uitgebreidzoeken.
A visit from another user:
Another Bitcointalk user under the name “Fred290” visited the above mentioned address. According to Fred, an elderly man opened the door and insisted he was not affiliated with CM
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.27582400. Naturally, this raised further questions.
My first visit:
On 16th January 2018 around 21:00h, I arrived at the Surinamestraat. Lamborghinis, Aston Martins, BMWs as well as a number of other equally flashy and expensive cars were parked on this street. The majority of the houses must have been worth in excess of 150 BTC! The ambassador of Panama also appears to be living here:
Having taken in the sites, I then arrived at the property where CM are supposedly located. To say that the mansion was huge is something of an understatement. The ground floor houses a private gallery for paintings. The second and third floors house swanky living areas for the property's residents. I rang the doorbell multiple times, to no answer. I then wrote a short letter asking to be contacted, and posted this through the letter box. I am yet to receive a response.
My second visit:
On the following day (17th January 2018), around 19:00h, I visited the Surinamestraat again. After ringing the doorbell multiple times, an elderly man screamed through the letter box:
Elderly man: Who is there?
Me: Dave
from , I’m here because a company registered a website to this address.
The website is down, and has taken a lot of people's money with it. Since it appears that the owners of the website are unwilling to communicate, I decided to check the address for myself.
Elderly man: What are your contact details?
Me: and .
Elderly man: What is your Fax number?
Me: Fax? I don’t have one.
Elderly man: Mmm ok, so what is the name of the website?
Me: Coinsmarkets.com.
Elderly man: Let me write that down. Can you please read it out?
Me: C o i n s m a r k e t s . c o m.
Elderly man: What did they do?
Me: This is/was a marketplace where you can trade Bitcoin for altcoins. The website went down on the fifth of January.
Elderly man: Say what? Bitcoins and altcoins? I don’t know anything about Bitcoins.
Me: If I may ask, there are two businesses registered to this address and . Do any of these belong to you?
Elderly man: Yes, both of these are my companies. The Foundation was founded by myself 10 years ago, and bares no relation to the trading of Bitcoin.
Me: Are you willing to press charges against CoinsMarkets for fraud?
Elderly man: If it can be proven that my address is falsely being used, then yes.
Me: You can find this on the website whois.com.
Elderly man: Another young man also came here a week ago, and said he had lost money. Did you lose any money too?
Me: Personally, I have lost nothing. People who I know however are extremely concerned that they have lost a lot of money. Millions of Euro are currently being witheld.
Elderly man: How much!?!?!?!?!?
Me: More than one million Euro.
Elderly man: I will read up on the Internet about this site. If my address is being used, rest assured that I will be pressing charges. I will call you before the weekend with an update.
The below picture confirms that I was at said property. Further updates on CoinsMarkets will be provided in due course:
The sign standing on the roof