i probably think that CONSmarkets might be inside trading of the devs at ECA. come to think of it ECA became from 1 satoshi to 60 sats with 1 billion tokens and then it went down. i think there's something fishy with the devs publishing whitepaper and any updates.
while our ECA got trapped at CONSmarkets, ECA devs are dumping their coin at the exchanges.
we've been Goxed but way worse than Mt.Gox itself.
The DEVS at ECA are behind this!
Actually that's what I thought all along especially what was being said in the chat went the site went down and how huge btc dumps were happening at that very moment CM went offline. I wish I was wrong but the timing was just too perfect. That's why I was trying to just cash out and get out before that last btc dump hit and that's when ooh look my trade went through but my coins never actually deposited into my wallet balance. How convenient. Then of course the lovely " withdrawals for this coin are disabled" hit after that and I'm sitting there thinking wtf?
All of a sudden ECA is on 4 other exchanges within few weeks with no issues? Like couldn't they do that before?
The other thing is the incessant promoting in the CM chat. It's like wait people's coins are locked up and you're going to keep telling people to buy the coin that brought them on this exchange in the first place and trapped them?
I even went to the discord and they kept shutting down any discussion about CM and did that " ooh but you know you can buy ECA at coinhouse". I'm like what are these people smoking? How do you go from "ooh yeah coins are stuck to lets change the subject to "hey go sign up for this exchange and buy more" .
I really do hope I'm wrong and it was just bad planning , bad timing and just bad all around on their part.
I even noticed the Devs for flappy coin is actually trying to reimburse people's coins which is quite generous. Eca? "Shrugs".
I'm thinking is there a sensitivity chip missing or was that just a bot pretending to be human? Ohh nope just a human pretending to be a money grubbing bot. FFS. Unreal.
Surely I'm thinking "nah" maybe it's just a bizarre coincidence but promoting daily in a chat where a bunch of people are hoping to have access to their coins? I didn't see any other coin really do this straight for a month and a half and thought wow they really don't give a flying F***!