Well as long as one is aware that 95% of economists tend to be wrong at any one time your a little bit ahead
I also laugh at the people who think it won't succeed but with the all the BS articles spreading around the internet cannot blame those who look at the surface and it will be their loss.
Unless your a Nouriel Roubini though would not be be able to say we can see the future buts that speculation
Well, I've been saying these things for 3 months now. Things like alt coins will soon greatly increase in number and that's already started. 3 moths ago most thought that wouldn't happen for years to come.
And I said bitcoin was going to walstreet and Main Street, and already, faster than even predicted its applied for an ETF. I said 2014, would see an explosion in not just bitcoin value but most alt coins.
And 3 months ago I never read anyone make such bullish remarks and yet they've all come true. I wrote a few articles stating these things for Devcoin - so at least I can back up my claims next year if I'm right and all the doubters jump out saying: oh, we knew it all along.
Cause most can't even imagine what's coming. If they could they'd be holding to every coin and buy more. I'm buying most coins even the ones which are thought to have no future like ixCoin, and the ultra cheap like Devcoin.
Those who take a little risk now can make millions in the next 2 years. The state and the banks badly want digital cash to make it - way too much power and smart money on our side for this thing to not blow up to the mother of all bubbles.
Sad thing is most here will sell way too early. Most here will sell it all if they see $100,000 in their accounts. But that's a predetermined outcome and that's why this thing will work so well for many more people but those who get in early stand to make by far the most money. And this, right now, is early.
And roubini, he was saying buy gold the last 2 years while I was telling everyone I know to dump it. So at least once I was right and he was wrong. Lol. But gold will spike like mad, but not until late 2015.
And in the short run gold will breach $1,000 and head to $500. And I said this 3 moths ago in one of my articles when gold was $1400. Nobody then was taking about $1,000 and $500 was crazy talk.
Hmm this is long guess I'll reply
Sure the alts coins will increase in number but they won't gain any traction unless some significant improvements can be made to them there is a key difference between a real change and improvement and a mimic like most alt coins being spammed out now.
Instant blockchain compression trading over exchanges instant built in clients and ease of use there is no point in reinventing the wheel
Makes more sense to make the car and improve on it instead of another horse based carriage
If you want a premine look at ripple and their closed source code as of today.
In 2014 there will be an increase in the value of altcoins that really do provide decent changes
Litecoin PPCcoin Namecoin and Devcoin perhaps more to the point is that you need to convince me and the market that what the coin of yours in the future will provide is different from the other imitator coins and make it worth the time.
He-he 3 months ago people were reeling from the stench of a 250 to 100 dollar drop that said someone has tried living on bitcoin for a week it still needs time to develop and a coin is not as important as the services it can provide
I'm saying you need ammo to build the infrastructure and it's a silly notion to assume that you can make the industry change without needing to put some real work into it the pros and cons of it realistically depend on how you make it are the options more profitable to make a coin or develop on current structures whatever reaches the most people will result in the profit as long as you understand the risk and the safety measures of making a proper currency then that's fine it's necessary to realize the reasons behind the growth and the need for a coin. Utilizing the best profit will come from recognizing the failings of any current currency and improving upon it and bringing change that is the scenario we are in.
Ultimately there are a lot of mixed signals in the market but there are opportunities out there that the market hasn't realized and the market will need to realize that and lock in some rates today to ensure some larger profits tomorrow the location of the investment and where is the best place to put capital is your call.