Nitrogen claims to operate out of Costa Rica, great. Say that tomorrow the site disappears, together with all of the funds. What will you do? Give it a bad rating on your website? Catch the soonest flight out of your home in the US to Costa Rica?
I'm genuinely curious what you find so attractive about Nitrogen (apart from them paying you).
The objective fact is that Fairlay offer better lines (odds) than Nitrogen do.
To think that after two years and 30 pages of forum feedback the site operators would fake a server error to steal your 2BTC is hysterical and ridiculous. Why would the site operators need to bribe you? Are you also expecting reimbursement when you lose bets?
You seem to be suggesting that Nitrogen might not actually operate in Costa Rica (where it would actually be legal to operate a sportsbook).
So which is more likely then -- that Nitrogen *doesn't* operate in C.R. or that Fairlay doesn't operate in London?
Obviously the answer is that Fairlay is more likely to be lying about it. But it's tricky you see -- because in this case you don't necessarily want Fairlay to be telling the truth. Because what happens when the London cops come knocking on Fairlay's door? Will they already be on the first flight to Afghanistan? Will they hide all your BTC in brain keys and make sure you never get your payouts?
The point being -- it's bad business to pick an operator who claims to operate in a location where it's illegal to operate. You can't win for losing.
Now, obviously every site has risks -- even the fiat ones. But it's common sense that the more successful the site, the less likely they are to disappear with your money. And, in the case they do disappear, you'll have a lot of friends with pitchforks ready to hunt them down to the darkest corners of the earth. And even if you can't hunt them down, you'll have people to commiserate with and make you feel better.
You make some bad assumptions. Yes, sites can go under after 2 years of forum posts. We've seen it before. And the reason why they go down isn't necessarily my 2 BTC when they're offering upwards of 100 BTC on the exchange. Someone else could bring them down (again, including the cops) and I could be denied a payout.
As for better odds, no this also wasn't my experience. I thought it would work out like that which is why I deposited, but ended up having to accept worse odds than Nitrogen.
And how was it that you excused them for not reassuring players when they stopped processing withdrawals for 2 days? I do not excuse them at all. And I dread that feeling of not getting the payout so much that I will never play with them again, and I recommend you don't either.
Last but not least, I'm not at all obsessed with Nitrogen. I have plenty to critique about them. They're old-school in a lot of ways. But right now they're anchoring the BTC book space and I give them credit for that. I have zero fear of them disappearing with BTC -- can't say that about Fairlay.