As far as I know FCN is never accepted as payment. Bitcoin is taken only in some stores to say nothing about alternative cryptocurrencies
Thank you!
I'm upset. Why, then, FCN is needed as an alternative cryptocurrency? How can it be used?
Even Bitcoin is still in its early stages. There aren't that many places where you can spend BTC yet, but the list of merchants keeps growing every week, as does the list of its investors. But places to spend BTC is only one part of the system. The ability to transfer money with almost no transaction fees, especially for international purposes, is huge.
If Bitcoin is in its early stages, then Fantomcoin is in its infancy. Fantomcoin has many similarities to BTC but the key feature that differentiates it is the ability to have anonymous transactions. Bitcoin is not anonymous no matter what the media says . The ability to make anonymous transactions, which can be done with Fantomcoin, is great for asset protection and a myriad of other purposes.
You do touch on something that I have asked for a long time: "What does X alt-coin bring that Bitcoin doesn't?" The answer to that for 99% of altcoins is: nothing. Not so in this case. Fantomcoin offers anonymous transactions, and the demand for that feature is very large.
Thank you! I understand FCN's development is still far from BTC's level of development cos it is new currency
I look forward to the time when the alternative currency will take its rightful place in the market as a means of payment.
I totally agree. I think that there is not enough advertising or articles,that will inform new users about FCN, or these measures are not necessary for the development of perspective cryptocurrency?
I think advertising makes FCN cheesy and nobody will be able to appreciate its benefits
Most successful coins advertise. If you advertise its benefits, people will be able to appreciate them. If no advertising is done, few people will ever discover FCN.
Advertising can definitely become "cheesy" if done incorrectly, but hopefully those doing the marketing of FCN are experienced enough to avoid that