Thank you very much
Iam doing some final tweaks, should be live in a few 3-4 days.
Awesome! Can't wait to see it. Did you want to use my video at all?
If so I could tweak it a little to match your design if you like. ... The background from the new wallet loading screen is pretty great too which I could use that to open the video.
Glad to see you still kicking around. I REALLY like that video as Ive said before, awesome job! Id like to see it used in marketing and on the FTC website somewhere.
Thanks! I'm always happy to see the same crowd around here too, stability is key. Stability is why this has been my #1 alt coin for years now, its not going anywhere, its going to run as normal decades from now, and at some point it will be an incredible rarity given that age is the one crypto characteristic no one can write into a new coin release.