I kind of feel like a dick for giving them any of my money...
If only I had found that thread outing the CEO as a known and convicted scammer I wouldn't have.
I'm actually in the process of creating a new mining news site to compact this kind of information into something easy to see, a larger version of my Crypto Mining Vendor database in the Speculation area. With so many "BFL scam" threads it is difficult to pile through them all...
Unfortunately this problem is all over the place. Not a single other one aside Avalon or AsicMiner have delivered squat, and mostly either lie or are non-existent but are more than happy to take your money. Something must be done. The desire for ASIC has blinded so many to these frauds.
Ah you shouldn't....
But I applaud you for coming to your senses. It seems that most people I talk to either say "oh, it was only XXX dollars, I can afford to lose that if BFL doesn't deliver" - which, BTW, are very irrational thoughts. a dollar is a dollar is a dollar. earned, inherited, or easy come. treat them all like you worked your ass off for them and you'll never be taken advantage of.
It's pretty clear that BFL has been cavalier with their "investor" funds, and have mismanaged this product to the Nth degree. I refunded in February when they failed to meet their deadlines. I hoped they would eventually make it right for those who were still in the game. But it's freaking the end of May.. and things are moving pretty fast on the block chain. They had claims of delivering by Christmas time last year!!!!!! 4.8 Ghash for a Jalepeno was like 7 times the amount of power I had at the time to mine.... now 4.8ghashs (or whatever it was) would produce a hell of a lot more BTC back then than it will today.
I wonder what the tipping point is for a mass refund request from the folks on here who are keeping this project funded. Josh has proven to be incredibly unprofessional and justifies his unprofessional behavior with "well, you started it..." - Imagine that you went to a restaurant, and they made you wait 3 days for the meal you ordered.. its not a perfect analogy. And the entire restaurant is getting irate... then the owner comes out insulting restaurant patrons with terms like "cock waffle" - I'm baffled that more people aren't opting out of this investment....
I'll get off my soap box now...