The Fibre os is amazing! Unfortunately it only has 3.5gb of space.
Which sucked because I have a 32 GB usb and my USB is only able to have one partition on it...
...or so I thought.
All you need to download (on your Windows PC) is "MiniTool Partition Wizard" from here: (its free).
This will allow you create an extra partition to store more data than the Fibre os has.
Here's how you do it: - Note: Do this after you have put the OS onto your usb
Open up MiniTool Partition Wizard
Right click on the allocated space in your USB and click create.
It will warn you that windows won't be able to see the partition. Click "Yes"
Name the partition label something suitable such as "Storage" and change the Filesystem Type to "Ext4".
Make the partition size as big or as small as you want. (It defaults to the largest size)
Then click "Ok"
Once you have completed these operations you will need to click the tick in the left corner with "apply" under it.
A window will pop up asking you if you want to apply the changes. Click "yes".
Your computer will now create that new partition (it'll take a while). When it has finished close the Partition Wizard and shutdown your computer.
Now when you boot the Fibre Os you can move files onto the other, much larger partition.
You also might want to run "sudo apt-get install nautilus" in terminal to be able to browse your files easily with the program that gets installed called "Files".
Thank e1ghtSpace, This is brilliant. Im currently building a wiki for FibreOS!! Would you be prepared to write an article for this process?
Easier way :
In Fibreos, launch Gparted, On the 3Gb main partition, right click "Extend", move the cursor, click OK .... Partition is resize while system is running.
2min and it's ok
In FibreOS -> Activities -> GParted
Select the DRIVE of the USB Stick.
Right click -> Resisze/Move
Select the new size, then apply
I found out about that in my last post.
(I edited it)
Well, I found out about that method before I read this comment at least.
For my last post:
Last Edit: Today at 06:05:33 PM
Yours was posted at 6:11:02
So I was first!! Mwahahaha.
Also you can increase the partition size of FibrOS using a tool called DD!!
That's very helpful. Thanks!
Edit: OMG, its so simple to extend the size of your partition! Just boot up the usb and open the program called GParted. In the top right corner click the drop down menu and select your USB device. Then right click on the partition at the top (the long bar) and click Resize/Move. Then drag the end of the partition (where the arrow is on the long bar in the new window) to the very right side. Click resize and then click the tick at the top of the window. Now you can close out of GParted and you'll have much more space to install programs.
P.S. Sorry for posting a lot