World Cup every two years? Impossible!!!
As ambitious for money as FIFA is, this would be a totally inappropriate suggestion for a competition of the magnitude that the world cup has.
In order to hold this event, there must be large investments by the host countries, a lot of mobility and changes in the schedule, there is no way to do this every two years.
Fifa has already increased the number of teams in the competition and this is what they can do best.
Another solution would be to make the tournament a regular competition and more spread out between the years, but that would take the "brightness" out of the tournament and become a "normal" competition.
The less Fifa messes with the world cup, the better!
You didn't even notice his sarcasm he just said it mate.
A World Cup in every two years really do sounds ambitious and I don't think that it will be granted if ever the FIFA council will try to make it. Countries around the world will lose their desires to host for this kind of event as it will be not rare anymore and people won't be that interested anymore as they know that they can always see the next World Cup in the next two years, instead of four years where they will indeed prepare for it and will not lose the chance to see the event.
I don't think the fans will lose interest in the World Cup if it is held every 2 years, but the World Cup will definitely lose its prestige.
Also, with the increase in the number of national teams participating in the world championships, there will be a drop in the quality of the competition, and it can already be said that the EURO is a higher quality and more uncertain football competition.
However, for FIFA, the increase in earnings due to more frequent World Cups is obviously much more important, and this will obviously happen.
Today, everything is about money and sports motives have been lost.
I strongly agree with this,Sport motives have been lost,where I live now in a Western Balkans country I have seen in satiric TV emissions that the president of one club had put the manager of a player to let the game and the funny thing the manager was saying to the footballer,"I am not saying you should do a penalty no,you just put the ball out in throw in or corners or you fall down,you know what to do" and they were put to jail thanks to this investigative satiric programs.
This to illustrate that FIFA does not give a damn anymore about sportsmanship but they want to fill their pocket with money,since sport betting came we lost real football battles except a few of them,most of them are theater playing rather than football playing,this is the same even with World Cup and Euro,I know I may sound way too dramatic but that is the truth.