It is somewhat obvious that what they say that when the World Cup ends, some will want to stay there as illegals , in any case, there are many citizens of other countries who are in the USA and work, taking care that the police catch them and deport them, as far as As far as I am concerned, I think that this will be very difficult for the USA to control, because there is clearly a lot of migration, from Venezuela they go to Colombia and they prefer to go through the Darien jungle, which is so dangerous, but even so they are looking for the American dream, now if they put As a resource for the World Cup, they can easily stay in the USA with many Excuses, and since the US elections are coming in 2024, it will be Interesting how they are going to handle this.
We think about money and say that if we do not watch then they are going to lose money, but to be fair "some" people will watch anyway, was the last world cup the least watched world cup ever? I am not so sure but I doubt that and even if so, wasn't by a large margin. Why was it done then? I could say that they have been given bribery that would cover the difference, and that's the reason why they accepted Qatar so easily.
Let's say it was hosted at England, a pure football nation with so many amazing stadiums, all you could hope for is there, all is allowed, no cultural issues, drinks, clothes, whatever you want, how many more would watch, how much more money would they earn? I bet that Qatar paid the difference enough to make it there instead, we are talking about not just a few million, we are talking about BILLIONS of dollars.