China is a totalitarian dump, and food has nothing to do with it. Read, for example, the monstrous story about Peng Shuai - this tennis player (moreover, world-famous) simply disappeared when she accused an official of sexual violence. Imagine what happens to ordinary people there. I don't think there should be any international competition in shitty countries like China.
If FIFA agrees that the internal politics of a country immediately disqualify it to be a host, then I can say it is fair to reconsider China. In those cases still I would like to see the World Cup be host in the closest location to the Chinese culture, Taiwan is highly democratic and free but the political tensions between China and Taiwan would also disqualify it, some people would not feel safe being there and I do not know if a country like Vietnam or Mongolia has the economical resources to invest them in hosting an important event like that...
Politics suck and it creeped its way into global sports at a scale that for a long time has been overlooked too much or not realized by the masses. Now that we have all the media at hand where we can inform ourselves from all kinds of sources, it is obvious that sports is not primarily about sports, it is primarily about politics I am referring to the big events here like the World Cup or the European Cup. In national sports there is also politics involved, but by far not as much as it is internationally.
There has to be a fine line between judging the host for political circumstances and the ability to actually host an event of that magnitude. But to be serious here, the hope that a host could change their political approach or put tensions with their enemies to rest because sports is supposed to help pacify conflicts, that is a myth. We have seen that with Russia when they hosted the World Cup in 2018 and four years later it rained bombs on Ukraine's civilization.
I have always been disgusted by politics, because for me everyone is the same , thanks to politics we have wars and all the things that bring us harm, it is logical , we as Citizens sometimes do not even know what kind of deals we they have, in FIFA, in everything that has to do with it, everything collapses, it is not a lie that when we see some things that are done with the politicians in these events they are quite strong , and that they Damage everything , in the name of The most corrupt businesses of all make fútbol , so the further away politicians are , the better.
I was checking the article from 2020 and they're studying Messi's performance in different seasons however during all these seasons he was playing for Barcelona but this shows us how stable was Messi's performance in the different seasons. But he had this situation until 2020 and now is in 2023 when even Messi's performance is not the same unstable anymore. It will be even worst in the next years. statistic in my opinion. If a player made 5 successful dribbles, but it was 5 successful attempts out of 100, then all these actions were at a loss for the team. Miracles of univariate analysis when, with the right approach, you can achieve any result you want and pass off bad indicators as good ones. I'm not saying that Messi was consistently bad, but such statistics are only annoying.
Well, we all know that Messi does not want to continue at PSG, obviously PSG has a lot of power worldwide, a lot of money, any article that they can filter in the news to justify a possible PSG departure is possible (this is also mere speculation ) now if they say it as a measure to discredit the Argentine national soccer team a bit, it is something else, it is known that in Europe it hurts a lot that France has not won, things can go in that direction, although it is not something very nice, but It is quite possible, players like Messi, CR7 make enemies out of nowhere, just for playing well, sometimes it is to cause more shock or it can be mere envy.