Japan is currently playing very well, today they were ahead against China and China could not beat Japan. On the contrary, today's match Japan team won 1-3, and Japan's strong attack is still going on. Japan has played well against every team in the past matches, previously they beat Indonesia and today they beat China, accordingly Japan team is very strong.
Japan's team is known to train with different mixed methods, and their team is renowned for having strong capacity and trust in each other. So, they support each other, studying each other's strengths and weaknesses on the field. This way, you complement your teammate's strength and weakness, making the team strong and enabling them to keep playing and winning.
The thing is they have consistently set the mark for themselves to always win games, so every season they work hard to maintain their record from previous leagues, ensuring they don't lose games or fall behind. I find this impressive and like a challenge for any team that will go against them.
I look forward to seeing what they'll achieve in this league. I always anticipate Japan's matches to see how they'll play out, as they seem to have set a standard of always wanting to win against tough opponents. I'm also waiting for them to face stronger opponents in the football arena – at least one or two stronger teams.