^^^ An infinite vacuum obviously isn't possible so we're simulating it by leaving the pump running. You said that "if" it was infinite, I'm just stating an experimental setup that allows for it within a finite container.
Your claim that the few remaining air molecules left in the chamber will be closer to the bottom on average needs some kind of citation. The pseudo-force we're calling gravity is too weak to have any measurable effect on the molecules position in the chamber. Any theories you have on quantum gravity will be great for a chuckle...
The determining factor for any molecule's position is in fact the uncertainty principle; a probability density amplitude function.
All that the uncertainty principle really says is that people are too weak in their ability to determine something. The expression of the uncertainty principle is wrapped in all kinds of language to make people not look as weak as they are.
Cause and effect, working according to the laws of physics, determine the position of any molecule in a partial vacuum.
Gravity is too weak to have a measurable effect, for two reasons:
1. We don't have the ability to measure such weak effect;
2. Forces other than, and stronger than, gravity work on molecules, as well, like heat.
Since we're pretending gravity is a force I've avoided referencing the aether, if you want concede that the static aether is real then this whole discussion is moot. The 1887 M&M experiment proves the earth is motionless and falsifies the Copernican model; no outer space and no pressurized gas next to a vacuum without a container.
Gravity is the container regarding the earth. The small size of a beaker is the only thing that keeps us from measuring the small amount of vacuum change therein. A 50-mile high tube would produce the same effect as the earth's gravitation field. Rarification of the air with altitude shows us this.
Newton falsified relativity with the "bucket argument" long before Einstein's 1905 theory was propped up. The only reason for relativity is an attempt to bail-out the Copernican model after the M&M experiment. Dufour & Prunier officially falsified relativity in 1939 at the university of Paris with their Sagnac effect experiment.
Other experimentation, including direct observation, show that these experiments lack the necessary requirements to prove what is factual.
Finally in regards to the force acting on the air molecules, we're not dealing with a solitary particle in an unbounded space. They push on each other and the wall of the chamber and the force pushing is electromagnetism; the molecules are 99.999% "empty space", only fields of force exist and interact.
Exactly! Since we can barely measure these fields and the REAL effects they have on matter, it isn't possible for us to determine from the measurements much of anything regarding the air molecules in question.
Also, your limited understanding of what the aether really is and how it works, proves that you lack enough info to prove FE by any of what you said, even if FE were the fact.