Now we move on to an attempt to frame my beliefs with a strawman and discount established scientific experiments with a logical fallacy, this is where I tell you to rope yourself.
Continuing on, you setup another strawman by making claims about my beliefs again. I agree with Maxwell's original equations, the quaternions available in the uncensored/unredacted version of his treatise on E&M.
Now me move on to a giant turd you reached in and pulled out of your ass "a gravitational field must be present", gravity is an unproven theory.
Finally, after pretending D&P doesn't exist you revert to a blithering idiot spouting nonsense about how you identify as a unicorn.
This is really getting pitiful. I'm not taking a jab at your beliefs, I'm taking a jab at your thought process. For the sake of analyzing your statements, I'm assuming your initial conditions are true. I personally don't think they are, but thats not the point. If I assume the aether is real, the earth isn't moving, and the sun is where and what you claim, then your proofs of those topics don't hold up.
I'm not saying a gravitational field must be present, I'm saying that the laws that you are claiming as evidence requires a gravitational field to be present. Whether gravity is real or not, I don't care. My point is that theory A relies on Variable B, where Variable B is gravity. You claim that Theory A is proof of your point, however you also claim that Gravity isn't real, making Theory A not hold up. If you want to say, oh the aether is why we don't need gravity, you need a full set of calculations proving that is the case. We should then be able to take your full set of calculations, apply them to any situation, on earth, off of earth, in imaginary space, inside of a black hole, whatever. And it should still make sense. Let me see your derivations and how you reached your conclusion. I'm not humoring you just to be a jerk, I'm humoring you because even though I think you are wrong, that doesn't mean that you aren't going to accidentally stumble onto something that is actually going on.
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and not just saying, NOPE! AETHER ISN'T REAL TRY AGAIN! But you refuse to show how you came to the conclusion that it does exist. Find me a single scientist in any field that resorts to name calling or misdirection to personal attacks. Prove your point with your conclusions and how you came to them, not by throwing random assumptions out and then telling people they are stupid for not understanding how you came to your conclusions.
I believe that Theory A and Variable B exist. But, if I am to assume that you are right, there are too many contradictions to count. Its not that I'm trying to reject your own ideals, I'm just trying to make sense of them. You are disproving yourself. Take a few minutes to link all of your thoughts together.
Start with your assumptions, and then make sure the experiments that you are using as proof don't rely on your assumptions being false. If an experiment says oh, we used this equation to figure out whats going on, and that equation relies on gravity, which you claim doesn't exist, then you are claiming the experiment was performed wrong, and you can't use it as proof.
If you'd like, I can treat you like an idiot, and ask you, "Do you believe in mass, do you believe in gravity, do you believe in friction, do you believe friction comes from gravity, do you believe in electric charge" but I'd much rather you just list your assumptions yourself, so we don't spend 30 minutes talking about how an experiment was flawed, just to have you say, Oh yeah by the way, I don't believe that mass exists. There are somewhat decent theories that mass doesn't exist, and that everything is governed by a law of attraction and repulsion of electric fields.