Why can't objects with a relative density greater than the surrounding air simply fall due to the fact the air cannot support that object? Is there any object on earth, that has a greater density than air, not fall?
I make no claim on why an object falls. This is just a question. My true answer on this is I cannot prove in any way shape or form why that object falls. I just know how it falls and when it will fall (vs rise). It does seem though 100% of the time if the object is denser than air it drops. If the air is more dense than the object then up the object goes.
Is there an answer to this that does not involve radical ideas that cannot be practically demonstrated? Once again if the answer is no these ideas cannot be practically demonstrated then it is what it is.
Well, one example I can think of is Ozone at the top of the atmosphere. It is more dense than oxygen gas, but its still up there. I also ask that you consider the case when there is no air, will everything fall? As I mentioned, our (slightly outdated) idea of gravity as a property of matter, is no more strange than Bill Nye's famous, "inertia is a property of matter." but no one has any problem with inertia. As a final thought, if the density of an object is the reason it falls or floats, why does density not effect the speed at which an object falls due to gravity? Lead is much more dense than a rubber ball, but they both fall at the same speed.
There is also something to note about gravity always only being in the -y direction, pointed towards the center of the earth. If it was just a matter of two objects being more or less dense than one another, there wouldn't be any vectors involved. So instead of 9.80 m/s^2 downward, an object falling at 6.9m/s^2 downward and 6.9m/s^2 to the left or right, would still fit the same scalar requirements for an object to be moving at 9.80m/s^2 since ratios of densities are not vectors. Gas exchange of water might also be something worth looking into. Oxygen on the surface of a lake goes down into the water, if it was just a factor of density, wouldn't the oxygen always rise up above the lake?
All of these ideas can be practically demonstrated, its just a matter of whether you have the equipment and understanding to do it. For example, I couldn't give you a practical way to prove a nuclear theory that requires a particle accelerator, without you having access to a particle accelerator. It seems a little silly to say that you wouldn't believe the concept unless you had a particle accelerator. This goes together with what I'm about to say. Of course I don't mind curiosity, more power to you if you'd like to perform your own experiments to better your own understanding, but why is it not acceptable to give the benefit of the doubt to people with expertise on the matter? (not me) I'm not an expert, someone who is an expert on astrophysics could probably explain gravity in 5 seconds in a way that'd make anyone understand. I don't go to a doctor and refuse to believe in penicillin because its inconceivable to me that mold could treat the clap. There have been guys for hundreds of years who have fought to prove things to themselves and everyone else. All it takes is one case where you point out what they proved was wrong, and you get a sack of money and a noble prize. Not really the authoritative group that stands to gain something by making people believe the earth is round.
Maybe you can clear this one up for me, what is the appeal to thinking there is some sort of conspiracy regarding physics? The whole basis of physics is that its just observing things so many times that you figure out how something works. When someone finds a flaw in physics, there isn't some massive cover up, the person gets a bunch of money, awards, and an equation named after them. I don't really care if you don't trust NASA, but how many space agencies are there?
Anyway, you guys are going about this all wrong. If you are going to propose a completely new theory, you need a uniform set of laws that describes everything that could possibly happen under the new system. If that sounds like a monumental and unfair burden to be placed, it is. I'd recommend going with finding something that isn't accurately described as it is now, and seeing if you can unify a new theory around that. I don't mean introducing some crazy variables, like air being made of lead or the sun being closer than a country across the Atlantic ocean. I mean, find something that you can observe that
does not follow the existing law of physics, and use that to prove that theres a problem.
The Ozone example caught my interest but looks like its highly unstable and does not stay in the atmosphere for long and is constantly replaced by new ozone. There are a lot of sites from mainstream science out there explaining why it does not sink.
"Ozone is an unstable compound with a relatively short half-life (about 20 minutes). It does not stay in the atmosphere for long. It is continually being formed from ordinary oxygen in chemical reactions, and removed by ultraviolet light. So it doesn't really get the time and conditions to settle down."
Once again I'm a practical guy so take that info for what it's worth. I have zero experience with Ozone at 6-10 miles up. I can only imagine the conditions up there on any shape earth and have zero idea why the gases do what they do under those conditions. Why does gravity not grab those heavier gases and bring them down?
On the why things fall at the same rate of speed I have no idea on the why. I simply know how they fall. I could never prove why they fall. I wish I knew though!
Why is it not acceptable to give the benefit of the doubt to people with expertise on the matter?
If we all thought like that we should wrap this crypto thing up and trust the experts in finance, the central bankers! F that noise. Our "top" financial professionals are all thieves. Remember, doctors were saying smoking was good to go back in the day! Imagine if we all just took their word for that. There is no way in hell I am trusting any of these "authorities" until I see proof.
If we are talking real science there is no room for belief. Claims need to be practically demonstrated (especially when it goes against our direct reality) and the people making them should be held accountable to prove their claims. The water I use everyday finds it's level. We build with spirit levels. Saying that large bodies of water curve goes against every experiment I can do on my own that deals with water.
I'm not coming up with a new theory. I'm challenging the one that's been presented to me. I do not claim the earth is flat, concave, 4d, 5d, spherical or dildo shape. The only thing I'm claiming is I don't buy the current model as I see theories and stories which no one can practically prove to me that go against my reality.
I love your responses! I totally disagree with it all but you have sent me on an ozone quest + you helped me find an entire catalog of that Boston University physics professor on youtube. I'm now watching with my son and it all stemmed from your pressure gradient post. So even though we probably will never agree on this thing until we can both send out our own cameras up 200k+ feet (at least) to get our independent visual proof I still like the back and forth.