Does the 2012 image bother you guys at all compared to the 2007 & 1997? Mainly the size of North America.
The 2002 image also has cloned clouds. Check it out on a blown up image. Hard to see on that image.
I believe the earth is flat now, I'd like to see a meteorologist try to explain this. I bet they'd mumble about weather patterns, pictures taken at different times of "day" and different months based on the direction of the axis of the "earth". I'd disregard anything they said because about 3 weeks ago, they told me to expect a sunny day, but it was slightly cloudy...bastards... I guess some photographers while we are at it to help clear up the whole issue of contrast and things with "alleged" light sources in different positions. I don't think those pictures are proof the earth is round, there are so many better fakes out there.
Maybe we should compare photos taken by NASA, JAXA, CSA, UK Space, CNES, CNSA and Virgin Galactic, and Spacex to see if they are all consistently shopped.
*tiny side note, I'm not being snippy at you joe, just thought your question was a good jumping off point for a joke*
I honestly don't think that we need to draw any conclusions from photos that NASA takes to release to the public. They need the public's support to get funding, so of course they probably make the picture a little deeper blue, or something to get more people to look at it when it goes on the news.
Joe, you might find this interesting. By all means disregard the video in itself, but its affiliated with people who do this just for fun, so read some instructions, and maybe try it for yourself if you are feeling like you'd really like to know for certain.
In a link you sent footage of a forced curve. Do you understand how fish eye or wide angle lenses work? If not, you can learn here in this short presentation:
And btw, all space agencies are controlled by nasa, including the so called "private" ones like fake x.