Beeep WRONG. Minute 1:00 of the video, starts zooming in much more yet you can't see more of the ship. Try again, you have 2 more tries.
Your dishonesty is showing, I don't even have to watch the clip to know what's going on:
Beep wrong again. Thats 2 tries, 1 to go. The camera used in the video is a p900 with a 83x optical zoom. Think hard for the last one.
Excellent camera, my point remains.
The horizon line is formed inside your eye due to the angle light enters at, the eye or camera in this case is an integral part in the process that forms the image you see. Once the image is formed on the CCD via the optics it can be further zoomed in on (digital zoom), but due to obvious physical limitations hidden objects can no longer be projected above the horizon.