Come on people!
Apparently, the moon landings are all faked, and were filmed in Hollywood Studios, directed by Stanley Kubrick !!!
Have you heard the latest? Hurricane Maria is a false flag event, with all the damage depicted of the entire island nothing more than CGI. And, there was no earthquake in Mexico City, again, all staged-cum-CGI.
Hell, I'll go one even better - BobLaw is a white straight male living in Cleveland, Ohio, with the only horses in his life consisting of cum-stained My Little Pony dolls.
What if the hurricane and earthquake were triggered by people with an agenda and the technological means to do so? What's your point here trying to mock this shit, the Moon landing is so fucking obviously fake you're a fool if you're trying to defend it. You're not backing a scam are you?
You'll go on my naughty list with Vod...