If you find something you think is a real photo of a planet, post it.
Thanks. We'll wait.
Still waiting.
STILL waiting for you lame cocksmokers.
Fuck your ball earth bullshit.
1. Horizon always rises to eye level
2. Water always finds its level
3. Gyroscope’s always remain level throughout worldwide aeroplane flight travel
4. Polaris never moves from its position despite earths travel through space
5. No measurable curvature
6. Terminator line on the moon during daytime often does not coincide with suns directional light
7. Gravity is simply buoyancy & density
8. No photographic evidence of satellites
9. Questionable flight paths in southern hemisphere
10. Antarctic treaty forbids freedom of movement in Antarctic
11. Van Allen radiation belt makes space travel impossible
12. Water bubbles on ISS film footage
13. The Fake moon landing
14. The Sun & globe earth model contradictions
What does this have to do with anything? Science has proven there is nothing flat, ever since they invented the microscope and telescope.
Hang yourself, jesuit.
You're just flat off topic again.
Go suck a cock.
Did you ever notice that you are off topic in almost everything you post? Your posts are ridiculous pictures. Or they are link addresses, and nobody can see flat earth just by looking at a link address.
You are in the hydraulic press of your own ignorance, and it is squashing you flat.