"In June 2013 five friends decided to go out into Arizona and take some footage of space when they attached their GoPro recorder to a weather balloon and sent it up into the sky. This was the last they saw of it for two years and when it returned it was worth the wait as it gave them some amazing shots of Earth it had taken from space. "
They made fish eye lens cameras for a reason - to make you believe that you live on a ball.
Here is fish eye lens explanation by a pro - a peer review you were searching for Bob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bns4R5ZsVUw
And btw, nasa also knows the earth is flat and they mock you. And still you give them money for that. And you think you're smart. Wake up and do your research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b_1OLhHWTo