Right here is the proof that FE people are simply living in a dream world. I am not talking about the possible or potential reality of Flat Earth or Globe Earth. I am talking about the way FE people think. Their thinking is and has to do with a parallel reality that does not match simple reality in life. FE thinking is dominated by the idea that these two sentences from
notbatman show.
First off there is no gravity, it's a lie crafted to support the false heliocentric model. Simple answer, dense objects fall and light objects rise.
The whole point in this quote from
notbatman has to do with semantics. But naive people won't understand this. So, they might start to look at the FE idea as though it could be reality. When they do, FE people have a little "in" into warping the minds and lives of these average people. Here's what I mean.
To average people, the term "gravity" has a simple meaning. The term "density" has another simple meaning. These meanings aren't the same. This is important, because the meanings are some of the basic meanings for living and acting in the world, especially the meaning of gravity.
By stating that gravity is a lie, FE people are really stating that jumping off a cliff won't cause you to fall to the ground below. At least, that is the first general idea that will pop into the minds of naive people who read it. Most people will recognize the fallacy in this idea, instantly. But just thinking the idea, will tweak their minds, just a little bit, in the way a cult operator tweaks the minds of his cult members so that they believe in the cult a little, or a little more strongly.
Then, by placing the word "dense" into a position that the word "heavy" is supposed to hold, while associating it with the meaning of "gravity," the tweak continues. The mind of the reader has just had a repositioning of words. The words keep their original meaning in the mind of the reader, but a new meaning is added. The reader is taken from normal life into a realm of non-reality, and then with the term "light" being used properly, the reader is brought back into reality.
The result is a little bit of "craziness" added to the mind of the reader of
notbatman's statements.
Notbatman is actually using a form of subtle hypnotism to mess with the minds of his readers, to bring them into the FE cult.
None of this has anything to do with the earth being flat or being a globe. It all has to do with the subtle twisting, tweaking, warping of the minds of the readers. The point is to find followers who will submit to the authority of stupidity because their minds are weak in a certain way.
Notbatman is playing on this weakness to gain followers.
The question is, is
notbatman a simple follower? Or is he a leader? After all, look at his handle,
"notbatman." His handle is not capitalized. In other words, he is not using correct grammar, because a person's handle (his name) is generally capitalized. By doing this,
notbatman is humiliating himself, just so that he can appear to be associating himself with people who are a little more simple and a little less in the direction of great thinkers.
notbatman is doing this, think again about his idea that the earth is flat. He just might be attempting to warp the thinking of people in every way possible.