What you call gravity is just density...
Wow flat earthers are weird bunch of people. Density is what it is a density. How can you define property of thing as a force? How do you explain the fact that there is gravitational acceleration?
You people are really uneducated arent you?
I dont say that gravity is what Newton have called it but at least on earth its a fact that there is a gravitational acceleration. Gravity or what we call of it is just an acceleration caused by inertia. You can say anything about density but it has nothing to do with any acceleration does it?
There so many people that doesnt know shit about anything that they need to invent things that was already invented. How fucking stupid are they. Gravitational acceleration is a fact. You cant deny it unless you are some weird alterright american from India like the guy from the video. You can actualy argue if gravitational acceleration is constant or not and if its magnetic, electric or based on a mass but dont make ignorant out of yourself.
Do you guys really think that you explore the america by finding that helium goes upward? wow. I mean.... wow its so... weird.
But yes you make one thing right. The gravity is based on a difference of pressures - a magnetic pressures imho. But there is still a force involved otherwise there wouldnt be any acceleration.
Newton actualy had said he doesnt have any idea why gravity works so dont say like he knew everything. He and Galileo observed few things here and there and some of those things are irrefutable.
So how does tides are created? Do you seriously think that the disc of the earth just float in the endless waters, then im speachless. Why dont we have a sea sickness if we are one giant boat in the middle of some stupid shit piehole.
How can you explain something just to have a lot more questions like - WTF ARE THOSE waters? and such. You make simple things way more complicated and you are happy you answered what are the tides. No fuckhead - you have made things more complicated not less.
Dont tell me its written somewhere in the bible. Because its not. The only mentioning of waters are the Earth waters and heaven waters. I guess that the heaven is not below the earth does it? You cant even read Bible with understanding not to mention sixth grade schoolbook.
Seriously after 6 minutes in this vidoe the guy is telling about the mountains that pulls the nails out of the ships and is not strong enough or at least blind the sailors. MIRACLE! Or some heavy lsd trips there. You flat earthers have fun partying dont you? Its soooooo unfactual.