Best kiss my ass.
The thread for gay people is here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/how-to-help-sodomites-1651864Treat them as sick people as they are: now, please, stop spamming useless comments in this thread...
this is not Science and diseases research need it.
Thank You for the introduction.
Quoting myself:
Quoting myself:
I can see craters with naked eye during the night that can only be explainable with solid structure of the "object Moon" described as we see it.
That is true that everyting that emits light that we know is liquid or not solid (the Sun, the starts, the quarks, others...).
Is the Moon giving its own light?
Probably, and if the Moon is giving its own light and being solid that will be the first object of this nature ever observed on Earth.
"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."
- Gen 1:16
The Moon's light is very different from the Sun's light: maybe the difference is more deeper and to generate the "anti Sun's light" you need a
solid object.
Nature has always proven that every opposite is in that matter in every aspect of its physics laws.
Maybe the matter of the Moon is behaving like antimatter for normal matter: don't you see craters on the Moon???
Does your instinct told you that the Moon is liquid???
Do you think Moon is liquid (a plasma)?
Sun is a plasma and plasma can generate light: Moon is a matter object and generate anti-light??
Is matter capable of generating (anti-)light??
Your thoughts... if relativity is true everything has its opposite: if plasma generate light, can matter generate (anti-)light??
Moon-light has been proven to be very cooler than Sun-light.
This is to understand the fact "Moon Landing" as I think there is more to it than a STUPID LIE.Think about it:
- we cannot leave the Firmament
- Moon and Sun are inside the Firmament
Could the "Land on the Moon" be feasible and already been done in 1969???
Your thoughts...
Best regards.