about belief. Even the bible they claim supports flat earth clearly debunks it. Not that the circle of the earth that they claim have any other meaning that its the circle of rotation not necesserly the rotation of the earth but the rotation that the earth is involved with.
Sun is rising wether the earth its concave or convex, but guess what. Sun is not rising on the flat earth it rotates on the flat earth.
Not that it proves anything because science is less prone to misuderstanding, but Ive just gave this vidoe as a bonus type of video.
You are a complete joke. Bible 100% supports flat earth,
end of debate right here.
Go back to your inside out ball earth thread in case you have one, and stay there.
As far as Ive noticed you have not even started the debate, but I know that flat earthers have problems with meaning of words.
Ill make another argument against your zero arguments to help you understand what debate is supposed to look like.
Flat earthers say that there are four corners of the world and that it proves flat earth. Well..... No it does not? As far as I know discs have no corners do they? In skycentrist model the four corners of the world are the corners on which the axis of heaven rotation is based on. Its a very common concept in every religious texts of a circle based on the square. Square is the more important aspect here. Its the symbol of rotating square. Churches are build upon a symbol of rotating squares. And ofcourse its not a cube in the middle that rotates but only possibily is that its a piramid or a double piramid with the base or bases of a square.
You say about the stillness of the earth. Ok. Fine its a draw here. The concave earth model say that earth stay still, and its the cape of the heavens that rotates.
There was something about the circle of the earth. As far as I know there are many circles in the ball so logicly the circle of the earth might just mean circumference of the earth. So its a draw here as well with the slight advantage to me as its says its the circle of the earth suggesting of the many. Its not suggesting the earth is a circle.
Bible talks about the abyss and the portals. Flat earth does not have anywhere to fit the abyss. Skycentrism does place the portals at the poles to the outter endless space of nothingness.
So. There are 2 draws and 3 scores for me. End of the debate proving the earth is flat according to the Bible? Well.... I dont think so.
Flat earthers will rant that their god installed a new lamp in the dome... pathetic.
Globe earthers will rant that they saw a slight disturbance in the "shadow" of the light of the star that could be as well a statistical error... pathetic. At least until now ( I dont know what have changed) they calculated (not observed) the existance of the planets outside the solar system, and now its changed? Why? Do you take us for a fools or are you one?