Physics sure is weird on this flat earth huh ? Can anyone explain why this Delta IV rocket launches in an arc and doesn't go straight up ?
To achieve Geo-synchronous orbit, the launch vehicle needs to accelerate both vertical and horizontal in direction of the Earths rotation.
But then again, what would I know. I just hold a Masters degree in Engineering and some of those units are in aerospace and satellite design.
There is no rotation. But nvm, its completly irrelevant if it is or not.
There is another reason for that. Its to achieve the right angle to melt what you encounter in space and not get crashed and smashed by the impact force.
Yeah engineer doesnt need to know that. But you are right the angle is requirement. Normal physics doesnt explain why it looks like its falling.
If light goes straight, this photo proves the flat earthers point, but light going straight disproves flat earth in other point (Ive told the argument about the all earth vision with your own eyes or a telescope from mt Everest) . Conclusion - scientists doesnt have a clue about the light and flat earthers contradicts themselfs.
Reductio ad absurdam was an invention of enlightment. I just did one of those arguments. This silly little method drive all of your middleages into oblivion. So go and create you middleage society and leave enlightened people alone shall you?
P.S let flat earthers say what kind of degrees they have. I have a master degree. Its irrelevant in what. I had a logic and science methodology lessons and I wasnt sleeping when attending to them.
Science has fiction (science theory). The Bible doesn't. God made all science. Man makes science (theory) fiction.
Yeah thats a stories. But those are non disproven, logical and at least remotely based on facts. In my opinion and in opinion of many a story that cant be disproven and isnt hardly based on facts is not science. But at least most of the science you so much despise is logical.
In my opinion Bible is logical non disproven and remotely based on facts. I would say its similiarly scientific or unscientific as theory of relaivity. So - its very risky to base your opinion on either of them without making a clown of yourself. Yeah they might inspire you or whatever, but thats it imho.
Even the father of modern catholic church has you for a fools if you believe 100% in bible and only in the bible. St. Thomas of Aquinae said:
Now i expect pierogi, masons and polish astronomical institute memes, or some monkeys inserting objects into an anus. Give me your best shot.