a total greenhorn
what are satelite dishes used for then? decoration?
"Satellite dishes" are used to receive the signal bouncing off the ionosphere which is transmitted from ground based stations.
Why is no Dish ever pointing straight up?
How do Satellite Dish manufacturers know I will not move to a place which is straight below a Satellite and build in drainage holes. A dish full of water wont work. 50 years without service, maintenance, upgrade or failure of a high tech equipment, yeh sure.
To elaborate a bit more.
For example the true location of the "Hodbird 13E Satellite", is in "Itoko", Democratic Republic of Congo Latitude: 1° 22' 00" N - Longitude: 21° 40' 00" E
Nice game, find the true location of a TV Satellite.
Have you looked at your own avatar? What are you trying to show by it? Do you know how much a level of that size would cost to build?
Further, get yourself a glass glass... the kind that you drink water or milk or juice from. Carefully fill it to the top with water. Then, carefully fill it a little further. Notice that you can actually fill the glass above its own rim. The water is curved at the edges of the glass, even though it is flat at the center. The effects of cohesion and adhesion are acting here. See the differences at But they both are producing the globular effect on water.
In addition, water that is dropped from a height, say in a columnar tube that is many feet high, and has a vacuum in it so that the water is not affected by air as it moves downward through the tube, thereby simulating a lack of the gravity effect (Call gravity density or whatever you want. It still acts the same way no matter what you call it.), as a globe would in space,
produces a globing of the water in the tube, just the way a big chunk of water would in space.
Why would you think that the overall cohesion of the water en masse, as it is on the globe, wouldn't act the same way? If you are going to believe in flat earth, take everything into consideration.
Further, why not go after the thing that you are really trying to say. Your real goal is to promote the waking up of the populace to the fact that they are being manipulated by other people. Consider the following.
Orion and Official Star NamesExplanation: Familiar stars in Orion and constellations across the sky now have official names. Over the past year, the International Astronomical Union, the only body officially tasked with naming stars, approved names already in common use for 227 of the brightest stars, including the most famous stars on the sky Sirius, Polaris, and Betelgeuse. Pictured, the constellation of Orion is shown with several of these now-official star names superposed. Spanning about 30 degrees, this breath-taking vista stretches across the well-known constellation from head to toe (left to right) and beyond. The common names for all three stars in Orion's belt are also now official. At 1,500 light years away, the Great Orion Nebula is the closest large star forming region, here visible just right and below center. Also visible are famous nebulae including the Horsehead Nebula and the Witch Head Nebula. Of course, the Orion Nebula and bright stars are easy to see with the unaided eye, but dust clouds and emission from the extensive interstellar gas in this nebula-rich complex, are too faint and much harder to record. In the featured mosaic of broadband telescopic images, additional image data acquired with a narrow hydrogen alpha filter was used to bring out the pervasive tendrils of energized atomic hydrogen gas like in the arc of the giant Barnard's Loop.
Note the, above, picture overlay at
Take a look at the word "official" in the above quote. Someone makes some other people to be official. Or maybe the people stand up and claim that they are the officials. It's all about taking recognition for themselves for purposes of making money off the rest of us, and for purposes of holding us spellbound so that we don't even recognize what is going on.
Promoting flat earth might take some of the "official" away from those self-proclaimed officials, but doing it in ways that people are never going to understand without going out and learning high math and science, is simply going destroy your own position, EVEN IF YOU ARE RIGHT.