@notbatmanYou can end most of the disagreement and misunderstanding by simply showing us the math/trig that allows us to find the distance and size using only the angle. If you do this, 90% of all the rest of the talk will disappear.
Just spit it out right here. You know, like 1+1=2. Or whatever it is. And if you use unconventional math, show us why your math stands over standard math.
The angular
resolution limit of the human eye determines how far the human eye can see (source: Ophthalmology 3rd Edition, ISBN 978-0444511416). Tell us why you think the angular resolution limit of the human eye isn't a factor in determining the distance the human eye can see?
Why are you asking me to provide a formula for calculating the distance to an object without including the angular resolution limit of the eye? If you don't include the angular resolution limit of the eye in your calculation, then the distance to an object can not be calculated.
If there's an error in my formulas for calculating size and distance then show us!
I ask for this formula because of
what you said.If we get rid of the limited human eye in the equation altogether, we also get rid of eye limits.
Trigonometry doesn't use human eye limitations. Rather, trig calculates the answer accurately no matter what the eye thinks it sees... and especially if we use calculus along with the trig.
If there is an error in your calc, the error is using your formulas at all, because there is trig and calculus that will give the answer easily and accurately,
and (as you said) the eye has limitations.What is the basic answer that trig and calculus gives? It gives the answer that says that you can't find distance and size with only the angle. You need another measurement along with the angle to show distance or size.
Let me say it another way. Go inside a building with no windows, let someone give you the angle (32 degrees), and calculate the size/distance of anything accurately without using trig or calculus. You can do it accurately if you have the distance or size (and use trig), but not without one of these in addition to the angle (and trig).
Or do you have a way without non-accurate, hazy, limited observations of the eye? Show us if you do.