Black holes, they're one of the more absurd pieces of space garbage they throw at you. It goes along with my point of space being fake and by default the ISS as well. Oh an I do understand what the the Planck Length is so don't try and make it out like I don't understand what the fuck is going on.
Skip evidence, are you kidding me? I just provided hard proof from Airy that the Earth is motionless. While not direct proof, this certainly lends itself to a Flat Earth. As for direct proof just look at the horizon, no matter the altitude it's flat and rises to eye/camera level. The Bedford Level experiment is also hard evidence of a Flat Earth. Objects can been seen at impossible distance (on a ball) with a telescope. My conclusion that Earth is flat was most certainly reached after examining the evidence.
As for social consequences, I'll use this analogy; there's certain aspects of female psychology that Sigmund Freud wouldn't divulge due to fear of the Mafia not because it was "garbage".
And finally, are you independently wealthy? We're clearly drifting off topic here...
1) You know "what the Planck length is?" Oh, you master of black hole knowledge, you.
2a) Motionless =/= flat. Can you tell me why your interpretation of Airy's experiment makes a flat earth more likely than, say, a cube earth?
2b) Yeah, you've said about a hundred times now the the horizon always appears flat and rises to eye level. On both cases, no they don't. Both are observable and measurable. Fly in a commercial jet and the horizon is about 3 degrees below a line of sight parallel to the ground.
2c) Bedford level experiment has been replicated numerous times, every single time demonstrating curvature.
3) Paranoia is a real phenomenon, too.
4) It just seems to me that you might want to consider spending your time on something more useful and productive. My guess is that the countless hours you've undoubtedly spent researching this stuff has done little for you except perpahs provide you with some entertainment.
1. It would take somebody who has intimate knowledge of black holes to recognize another master; I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
2(a). No motionless doesn't directly imply flat but your spinning ball is now a proven fake.
2(b). Here you're either lying or misinformed, the horizon is flat and rises to eye/camera level no matter what the altitude.
2(c). Yes the Bedford Level experiment has been replicated many times and again you're either lying or misinformed as the results are flat every time with the exception of the faked photograph the Royal Society provides.
3. You know they're doing research into inducing paranoia and other effects with synthetic fungal toxins similar to LSD. A lot of the field research is done in South America and sometimes the sprayed toxins drift from the coca "test" fields to the coffee fields.
4. We don't live on a spinning ball dude.