Excellent video, funny how somebody can graduate from university and never once be taught this in all those years of school.
What's even more funny is that, in order to even understand what is being explained, because it is so different than the way the laws of science explain things about perspective, one has to become a believer in flat earth, just to understand the video.
My point is that's it's not taught in schools with the one exception being an advanced art student. Your statement that it's taught differently is incorrect but please, feel free to prove me wrong.
The same is true with the Airy's failure experiment, while they'll beat you over the head with Michelson-Morley to make Eisenstein look good not once will they ever mention Airy's Failure even though it's skinning the same cat.
You are probably correct when you say that art class is where it is taught (I am speaking about the perspective idea in the video). Since it is so abstract that you have to become a believer just to understand it, there is no reason for anyone other than an art student to beautify the world with it. Understanding it as a science would turn the person who understood it into a blubbering idiot regarding science, because he has to believe it before he can understand it.
Airy's Failure is a fun riddle. The reason it is not taught is that it doesn't have anything to do with science these days. Scientific understanding has gone way beyond it.
Nobody is prohibited from looking all kinds of history up regarding astronomy and alchemy. If that is what they want to do, the schools don't prohibit them.
Take the Wright brothers for example. If a person wants to learn to be a pilot, and especially if he wants to learn some flight engineering, he will be taught about the Wright brothers to some extent. The Wrights had a reasonable understanding of aerodynamics. And it is good to know their history, and even a bit of the history of their aerodynamics experience.
The thing that aviation schools are not going to teach about the Wright brothers, is all the sales applications that they used for selling the bicycles that they made. It doesn't apply. People can look it up if it is available to look up. But it doesn't apply to aviation these days.
Airy's Failure might be a riddle. But science has moved beyond it in other ways. It doesn't apply. People can stump themselves with the riddle if they want. Nobody is going to stop them. And that is why we have the flat-earth people. They are unwilling to get up and move on.