Keep in mind this is a beta version. I need people to test it and to give me feedback so I can make sure everything works as intended and is as stable as possible. Please be careful while using this version as it might behave a bit unpredictable if something happens that I don't know can happen.
If you have problems logging in, Like the site saying you're logged in but it not showing your balance or stats and bets not going through, change your computers date and number format to use English (US) number formatting, restart your PC and try again. This will be fixed in the stable release.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. The more feedback I get, and the more detailed it is, the faster I can make the bot the best and most stable bot possible.
Feedback can be posted on or you can email me on [email protected], or just PM me here on the forums.
Edit: You won't be able to log in with the bot and your browser at the same time. FJ doesn't allow concurrent connections and trying to do so will end up in the bot disconnecting and erroring out.
very cool. thanks for doing this