Human population growth is no longer growing exponentially, in some countries like Japan they're actively trying to stimulate the population to make more babies because they know otherwise it will be much harder to keep growing the earth's cancer economy to keep up with their debt burdens and accompanied interest. Do you believe this is actually a healthy and natural thing? Honest question.
Not sure what you are asking. What is "healthy and natural"? Healthy and natural for whom or what? It's perfectly healthy and natural for yeast to snack on sugar and shit out alcohol, multiplying exponentially until alcohol kills off the entire yeast culture. We thank the critters for delicious booze.
Examples of this in nature are common as dirt. The human population could follow an s-curve (reaching an equilibrium), be limited by some catastrophic event and resume exponential growth (major war, natural disaster -- stay in dynamic equilibrium), or be extinguished by a catastrophic event (okthxbi). Examples of similar scenarios abound in nature and thus are (by definition) perfectly natural.
Economy is also not static, it's not even an entity. It exists in constant flux, changing everything about itself. Like a living culture, it can follow any one of the scenarios described, and then some. Bitcoin is one of the things affecting economy.