can you help with below transaction? Thx.
Are you the sender or the receiver, and which wallet software were you using?
I am very afraid ... i sent via blockchain . Info
I am fucked
I'm not a blockchain user myself, but if i'm not mistaking, since you are the sender, there should be no problem.
I've read somewhere that blockchain doesn't rebroadcast unconfirmed transactions, so as soon as most nodes drop your unconfirmed tx from their mempool, blockchain support should be able to just restore your wallet's history, and it'll (hopefully) be like the tx never happened... Do send those BTC to the receiver again tough!
Hi yes tried CPFP multiple times setting up a .007 fee at the most and no luck. This is the eighth day this transaction has been stuck. Think someone tried to throw it in a pool already and couldn't get it to go because of the low fee. Any ideas? and thank you for the help so far
I think that not all pools do the profitability calculations necessary to recognize a CPFP tx, however, if you add sufficient fees to the child, a cpfp *should* work..
Thanks for the response mocacinno. If I go back to the sender and ask them to fix their problem then what do they need to do on their end on to fix it?
Basically, they have to use (one of the) the uspent output(s) they used to create the stuck transaction and create a new transaction with a sufficiently high fee and broadcast it to as many nodes as they can. Once the new transaction gets into a block, the old (stuck) transaction will be removed from the node's mempool, since it's now using an unspent output that is no longer in their UTXO set.
Hi there,
I read that there's not much to bump at the moment, but if you find any way to help out, here's the ID of my stuck transaction:
Transaction ID: 3bf2e0fdd4a9ad01b83c679f83c247d019ecfa6f18c4fd075978b2c47075200a
Would very much appreciate some kind of bump to the chain!
Are you the sender or the receiver, and which kind of wallet software were you using?
Hi there,
I've read the public announcement and I'm a bit puzzled about what option I have.
I'm transferring from my original Mycelium wallet to my Coinjar account and I've messed up with fees, confused by the interface.
The issue is, it's not (Or I can't find it) giving me the option to RBF or CPFP (I get an error for this one).
I have tried viaBTC and even got scammed like an idiot by confirmTX.
Would greatly appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction, I'm even happy to pay a reasonable fee to get this one unstuck.
One thing for sure is I'm changing wallet for my BTC!
Thanks a lot!
Transaction id: d9db830c4322f5e4bd0a1eb837fcd28c682d2eec13a2dd286c90f9268a92466b
Sender/Receiver: both
addresses: 14t3X4NyabTAgYzX6HLVaRz2VJDYSfbSmr is my Mycelium Wallet, 1554KxYYP3trCicp93uJTgkTPv5UfUWR8U is my CoinJar address
wallet software: Mycelium
mempool: I've checked strange: I have tried to check for any errors but I'm still a noob so I'm only 90% sure everything looks ok
rectified situation: Yes, as stated I'm more than happy to pay regular fees for my transactions, this was a once off mistake
This is a tough one to crack for me personally, since i have no experience with neither mycelium nor coinjar.
However, since it's a transaction between your own wallets, it *might* be a good idear to just let it be. IF mycelium doesn't rebroadcast unconfirmed transactions, eventually most nodes will drop your unconfirmed transaction from their mempools, and it'll be like the transaction never happened.
Just save the raw, signed transaction in a textfile somewhere just in case the problem doesn't solve itself, so you can re-broadcast the tx.
I think coinjar is an online wallet, right? In that case, i think a CPFP will be pretty hard if their wizard is busted... I do think mycelium is a HD wallet, and it gives you a recovery seed. If you succeed in exporting the private keys belonging to KHgsWHPkzfqKKQWbXHMvskDP9uJJNthYk and 1P5z9WUGYLeasq8fKNpMP3FmTpNf1QV9SN, i can make a transaction double spending the inputs of the unconfirmed transaction, and i can show you how you can sign said transaction and broadcast it...