I had to create a new topic after finding out opening a non-self-moderated topic offering this service will attract trolls.
The original (non-self mod) topic can be found here: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.19295724
It can now be used to discuss this service (if needed)
*please read the disclaimer in the second post!
This topic is ONLY for requesting help, using the correct form.. Posts discussing the service will be read and removed afterwards!discussion about the service:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/discussion-about-mocacinno-and-hcp-free-submission-service-1942069Since there are sooooo many people having their transaction stuck, and failing to follow the simple instructions i leave when they use my tool on
http://www.mocacinno.com/page/feechecker, i have decided to no longer bother, and just submit their transactions to viaBTC or antpool myself... I'll also generate a CPFP (if possible) and a transaction double spending the inputs (if possible). I'll also keep rebroadcasting their transaction from my node.
I hope this approach will take me less time than explaining how/why/... nobody is interested in the details anyways... And in the end, i see a lot of newbies falling for obvious scams, paying people to push their transaction to a free service, paying way to much,...
I've talked with HCP about this subject, and he agreed to assist me in this task, so we can have better coverage, since i'm only online monday-friday 7:30-6:00 CET, while he has a different schedule Requirements:
1) a clean transaction, no double spent inputs, no unconfirmed parents, no dust outputs,... a minimal fee of 10sat/byte is needed!
2) your transaction has to be in my mempool... you can check this here:
http://www.mocacinno.com/page/getrawHow to apply:
Reply on this topic, post following info:
- the transaction id
- wether or not you're the sender or the receiver (or both)
- which of the addresses used in the stsuck belong to your wallet (also list the change addresses). I can also work the other way around: in this case, tell me which address you were trying to fund
- which wallet software you're using
- acknowledge that your transaction is in my mempool (check requirement 2 ^^)
- acknowledge there's nothing "strange" going on with your transaction
- acknowledge you will rectify your situation, so that in the future you'll add sufficient fees... I will not help accelerate transactions for freeloaders that just keep cheaping out on the fees!!!
- if you tipped me, you can list the transaction id of the tip (not required)
So, a proper request to help you accellerate transaction
https://blockchain.info/tx/e1ef737bef193fae2fcd4b0fe74bca221dcb9d820bf672772014b92f62f1d10b (already confirmed tough) will look like this:
transaction id: e1ef737bef193fae2fcd4b0fe74bca221dcb9d820bf672772014b92f62f1d10b
sender/receiver: receiver
addresses: 1MocACiWLM8bYn8pCrYjy6uHq4U3CkxLaa is my address, 1BitmixerEiyyp3eTLaCpgBbhYERs48qza is the sender's address (and his change address to)
wallet software: electrum 2.8.2 on windows 10
mempool: yes, i have checked http://www.mocacinno.com/page/getraw, entered my transaction id, and i was shown the raw transaction, so this transaction is in your mempool
something strange: no, i have checked for unconfirmed parents, dust outputs and double spends on blockchain.info, and could not find any anomalies
rectified situation: yes, in the future i'll use dynamic fees, and set the slider all the way to the right AND i'll use http://www.mocacinno.com/page/feeestimate for a second opinion
tip: yes, with transaction e93cde17ea55bff43780bfb151256ced9e835ab1de22110dd2145b3160fed6ad
Do not, i repeat not, contact me over PM... Since the mempool started filling up, i started receiving dozens of PM's and mails on my private mail, and i'm starting to lose track of it all... I'll only help you if you post in this thread.
Price: free, but people that give me a tip get priority over the ones that don't (tipping address is 1MocACiWLM8bYn8pCrYjy6uHq4U3CkxLaa)... No refunds if i'm unable to perform an acceleration due to problems with your transaction or the service i use tough!
Also, no guarantees... It's a free service... If i don't have time, or there's something wrong with your transaction, i don't have to explain why i didn't push your transaction!!!!BTW: if all else fails: If you want me to contact quickseller and/or macbook air and/or push your transaction trough btc.com and/or ask for priority service at viabtc, i do require payment, i ask the full price of the service i'll use (be it the bounty i give to a forum member or btc.com's price) + all fees (miner's fees, alipay's fees) + 25% for my troubles. If i'm going to use a paying service, i'll request payment upfront... We can use a trusted escrow if you pay the fees. If we use a paying service, and something goes wrong, i'll only refund you if i get refunded myself... And i'll substract miner fees from the refund (not going to refund somebody from my own pocket).
The second post in the orignal topic was from HCP, i'll quote it here:
As discussed with mocacinno via PM, I'm just posting here to state that I will be assisting him with this...
Hopefully, I can fill the gaps when he isn't online
TIP address: 1PMu6KrSGBmJ5EQ7siUXcshFAE55bFDrxk