Hello friends i ve been playing freebitco.in for nearly 1.5 years..By chance today i ve uncovered a fraud andd i wanted to share here.never bet on this site
Subject I was looking for new strategies for freebitco.in.. i would watch Youtube videos for this topic I saw a person who claims to have hacked freebitco.in with a program he wrote on the video. The guy is really gaining about 3 btc from the freebitco.in site by entering the membership information with a program he has set up on the pc.The so-called program says the next issue and it is also gaining... At the end of the video there were 3 btc in their wallets,and people who want to get this software is requesting 0.00500000 btc.btc wallet address under the video. 0.005 btc claims that the senders will send the software to the e-mail address lol Looks like everything's fine here. But it is not.
Back to Topic: Today I sent some btc to freebitco.in . then i wanted to withdraw back to my own account,however, i didnt see my balance account after a few hours.I wonder if there is a density of freebitco.in gave me the deposit when I checked the accounts between the accounts of a btc wallet was familiar to me. and i examined.. wouv what am i supposed to see? btc wallet address of the person who claimed to hack the site on youtube video.. anddd site claims to have been defrauded That way, he s fooling everyone.
I gave you the following proof,non-believers should review them *Dont send money to this site and dont play dice on this site*
Youtube Video Link I mentioned ;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbuRSA5ajmQBtc address in the video :
The btc wallet address in which the video btc addresses the continuous balance:
topic came to Freebitco.in
The deposit adress that Freebitco has given me is ;
The btc wallet address given by Freebitco.in is:
When i look at my other Freebitco.in accounts, the common btc address they transfer is the same.
So 1Fu3iBR2EMQWeYGi3XvrPmcPUkne8ZWj9h btc address is the public pool of freebitco.in. Loool realy..
I dont understand why such a big site needs such a fraud. You are already earning the worlds money from the site..Check out the addresses Ive provided and witness the middle-scams friends
Lets See the Evidence with Pictures ;
Youtube Video Btc Address: (Continuous Transfer Addresses Attention!)
https://i.hizliresim.com/r5xmmz.pngFreebitco.in Deposit Address:
https://i.hizliresim.com/ll8a3z.pngSee the Transfers of the Deposit Account Given by Freebitco.in.
https://i.hizliresim.com/emw83d.pngNOTE: Ive backed up Youtube video after this message