A shockingly large people that win the lottery end up broke because they can't control their spending and they end back where they started. Hope it doesn't happen to this guy but it is a very common occurence when poor people receive a windfall like this.
I doubt if that will be the case with the Janitor, from the news that I saw the guy looks very calculative and he already has plans for hes money. The reason he ever dream of winning is to give he’s children a decent life and he even mentioned that even now that he has won this big, he would continue with he’s Janitorial work while he keeps the money for the children and I believe he knows where to make safe investment.
The ones who end up broke after winning in lottery are usually those who never had a plan on ground before it happened. It always like the money caught them unaware and then, the next thing they can instantly think of is to put back the money on gambling and that marks the end .
I guess the above user don't understand that the Janitor in subject was already a grand father which I believed have already learn from his previous mistakes for not raising his kids the way he wanted. However, the article stated that he's not planning to quit his janitor work so he easily invest the money.
Do you believe that money makes someone forgets his sorrow and his past? There are some money you will make that you will completely forget where you are coming from, and forget exactly what the past situation has been.
I have met so many people that has thrown away over 3 chances they got of becoming rich for life, I know of a guy who once hit his millions at the age of 19, and blew it without thinking of tomorrow, initially we blamed it of his teenage age, he got another chance after then when he was 40 years, and still lost the opportunity by wasting the money on irrelevant things without proper investment,.
The last one that made us lose hope completely for him was the last chance he got through his grandson’s influence to become rich, and that is how he gamble with that money again, till he lost it again, and I believe that he won’t get another chance again. It takes someone disciplined to be able to manage wealth.