Technically cancer at the base of the tongue (even on the side of the tongue) is in the category of "head and neck" cancer not esophagogastric cancer and carries a slightly better prognosis. The pharynx extends approximately 15cm below the bottom teeth before the esophagus begins.
"Head and neck cancer is highly curable if detected early, usually with some form of surgery, but radiation therapy may also play an important role, while chemotherapy is often ineffective.", if it's anything, it's oral.
Where do you think it is?
Oral cancer, at the base of the tongue, I've had pain for a while but I don't remember exactly how long. There is a lump and a deformation on the top left base of the tongue. It's really far in but quite big.
Of course it might as well not be cancer.
Sorry, if this has already been discussed but have you ever smoked cigarettes or used chewing tobacco for any length of time? Do you have a family history of cancer, oral or otherwise? How long has the mass been on your tongue and has it always been painful?
I've smoked cigarettes for a couple of years many years earlier. I've only used chewing tobacco once. It has been painful for many days, I haven't counted exactly but It will be way more than two weeks on the 26th so if the pain doesn't stop and the thing doesn't go away that is when I'll be going to the doctor. If it stops I'll be going February/March. It's painful and immensely annoying but the pain isn't becoming stronger or anything. It hasn't always been painful and I hadn't noticed the lump although there where some things that looked like normal tongue geometry on each side of the base of my tongue. This thing is on one side even further.
The lump is about half an inch across. Although I can't really see of it because to see it, I have to dry my tongue and gently kind of pull it out.
The most likely diagnosis would be canker sore because of the white color. Cancer is most likely red or red with white specs. Canker sores are also known to hurt like hell. Cancer is something only a professional can diagnose. In my case I will wait until 2 weeks have passed which is what the general consensus is and then get it checked out. If it's a canker sore at this point they'll give me something to make it go away faster.
Now it seems like one of my cervical lymph nodes (left side nearly directly below the ear) is getting swollen and a little bit painful.) Swollen lymph nodes happen with canker sores.
So, if it keeps up for 9 more days, I'm going to the doctor.
Beetcoin, don't worry I'm unaffected by hippie advice when it comes to matters of health. I'm not one to wear a crystal and drink extremely diluted onion juice. The people who believe water has memory are ridiculous. I love what Tim Minchin says about that.
I'm not sure I can remember it verbatim Through the magic of the internet I found the lyrics: "And whilst its memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is infinite
It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!"
This forum is pretty awesome, technical discussions about
BTC, trading, novelty products, crypto announcements, millions of dollars of pizza, and now a thread about a potential oral cancer. This thread is a little too Off-topic even for the Off-topic category.
Sad to hear that, hope it is not cancer! But if it is do you know an estimated time you have had it for? Hope it was caught early hmabd have not spread. When My son was 15 months old he was thought to have cancer. Luckily it wasnt. It is a sad and dreadful experience
TheGr33k, what kind of cancer did they think your son had? Are you in Greece? If so where, I'm also from there!