I will admit I'm very supertitious when going to a land based casino.
1. I choose the number of parking slot that I will park. Usually it should have my favorite number 111,777 etc.
2. I don't want to wait for someone if he or she is going to go with in the casino.
3. I wear the same shirt that I won big.
And a lot more..
How about you? are you sepertitious?
I think everybody has their own wag of making their luck higher whether by repetitive mannerisms or charms and tokens. People have a tendency to try to compensate their fear of losing by using items or manners that they think would increase their chances of winning. Some put coins on their shoes, some use their lucky colors while some even have the lucky items prescribed in their horoscope. Whatever the case maybe if a person wants to increase his/her luck it would definitely not be as easy as being superstitious.