
Topic: GAMBLING DISORDER - page 11. (Read 1563 times)

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Activity: 1260
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January 17, 2024, 06:43:30 PM
If you are like this and gambling is making money from you so much in a way it can not help your financial life, you just need to stop gambling. If you are able to stop gambling for a year, you are having control over your addiction already.

But before you make that decision, you can make 1 to 5% of your weekly income to be for gambling and it should not be more than that. Do not touch the remaining 95 to 99%. If you can do this successfully, no need to quit. But if you are unable and still spending more than your weekly gambling budget, then quit gambling for a long time like a year.
Majority of those who have experienced such crisis in their gambling journey are those who may have failed to constantly disconnect themselves from excessive gambling and gambling disorders, because for sure anyone who overstep their boundary can become addicted, but excaping such addictions is far easy and better when tou start wit small withdrawal procedure e.g by limiting your amount of weekly bets or stakes and also making sure that you limits your overall betting time.

If all that is put in place, you can then win the fight against those addictions and eventually win the war on the long run, but if you decide to quite at once, there will be chances that the individual will slide back into that addictions again.
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Activity: 3024
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★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
January 17, 2024, 06:41:31 PM
You're having a serious encounter.

Go outside and keep yourself away from your devices if ever you're doing online gambling which is likely you're doing. Get some fresh air and enjoy the works of nature and its beauty.

That's one way to relieve that stress and depression that you're dealing, it's for free or might take you some money to travel somewhere else in your locality but I assure you that you'll have a better perspective about life.
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Activity: 1554
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January 17, 2024, 06:40:16 PM
I can't imagine thos who takes gambling as a source of income because gambling can and will never be a source of income, that is the reason why I never take anyine who take gambling so serious as a jokers because under normal circumstances, gambling should be for fun and because of the uncertainty of gambling results, no one should rely on it to make a particular directions, so for best possible position, one need to mentain that position of only gambling for the fun of it and not to make any gain from it since behaving or acting that way only increase your chances of getting disappoited.
That why it's crazy if you think about it, whatever the reason the gambler have. I never thought of doing like that too because the probability that you will lose more if you stay longer in the casino rooms it too much higher. The ones who gain profit are the luckiest in the room, and not everyone does that. That's why gambling is labeled as an "entertainment" because it should be treat it like that.
Activity: 3416
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January 17, 2024, 06:12:54 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
On your own you can't, once it gets to the point that the urge is uncontrollable and you are fully aware of it, your only chance is to ask for help from a professional or help group, healing comes from awareness and help should be coming from people whose expertise is to help people who are addicted to gambling its good that you understand the symptoms you now have to take action, the more you delay the depression keeps growing.
It's much easier on the road to healing if the individual is open to suggestions I'm sure there are help groups number in your country once you find them you are one call away from recovery.

hero member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 609
January 17, 2024, 06:10:46 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
Dont blame the gambling house itself about into the current condition that you are in but rather you should really be that blaming up yourself on whats happening into your right now.
This is a solid indication that you are already addicted to gambling on which if you dont make yourself that able to get out then you would really be messing up your entire life
when it comes to finances and this is something that you should really be that trying out to avoid as much as you could. If you are really that willing or serious on quitting gambling
then you should really be doing this seriously whether you should really be stopping on doing gambling and trying out to distract yourself with other activities on which it could
really make you that forget gambling or trying out to lock up your money or tell your wife about such problem so that you cant use something.
hero member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 672
I don't request loans~
January 17, 2024, 06:10:09 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
Whats your medium? If it was online plug out your internet. If you need internet for work, then try using extensions that help in banning sites and just slam the keyboard when asked for override passwords or something. If it was brick and mortar casino, you can try telling them to ban you from entry. Casinos should accept those kinds of requests after all.

Now if you're asking how to stop since you want to always start, then habit. Your uncontrollable urge in the first place is nothing like that, it's just a habit. One that you can't stop following. So act on it. I swear people think that developing habits is so hard when they do it every day. Everything starts from yourself so if you're not going to work on it then I don't think anything is going to change. One good start is finding a new hobby and make it a habit to do that during the times you would gamble.
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Activity: 770
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January 17, 2024, 06:08:42 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

First, make a decision to control yourself. Next, develop disciplinary behavior and make sure to apply every great strategy that can help you stay away from gambling once you have reached your limits. Next, deprive yourself of everything that will cause you to gamble more. If possible, set an alarm or a reminder that rings to tell you that your time is up.

Set a gambling time table and discipline yourself to work with the time table. Also, set a gambling budget and make sure you discipline yourself not to spend more than that amount.

The last thing that I can think of now is that you should not deposit more than you intend to gamble on that day. For example, if you want to spend $20 on gambling today, make sure you only deposit that amount into your casino account. Do not deposit more than that, hoping that you will only spend $20 and reserve the rest for another day. If you deposit more than your gambling budget, you will definitely have the urge to spend it all.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.

Talk to people about it; tell them to make sure they always discourage you any time you are going against your gambling will.
hero member
Activity: 1260
Merit: 765
Top Crypto Casino
January 17, 2024, 06:05:56 PM
This kind of thoughts is gone crazy if you take gambling as source of income. Whatever statistics or strategy do you make there will be higher chance that you still loss, especially on common games like dice, slots, etc. You could always think there's a manipulation going when you loss. Unlike if are in sports betting. Where the points of team or individuals are the one who is going to decide for the win, although it's not always the case.
I can't imagine thos who takes gambling as a source of income because gambling can and will never be a source of income, that is the reason why I never take anyine who take gambling so serious as a jokers because under normal circumstances, gambling should be for fun and because of the uncertainty of gambling results, no one should rely on it to make a particular directions, so for best possible position, one need to mentain that position of only gambling for the fun of it and not to make any gain from it since behaving or acting that way only increase your chances of getting disappoited.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 457
January 17, 2024, 06:02:34 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.

In my opinion, most gamblers are not willing to lose and hope to get a win to recover their previous losses, so they always make deposits and the more losses they get, the more stressed and depressed they become so they play carelessly and the more losses they get. the situation got worse.

It's a good idea for us to stop gambling for a moment when our minds are not feeling well, even though gambling is based on luck, we must always think logically about the possibilities that will happen. We need to control our losses and be prepared to forget about the money we have spent on gambling. Don't chase losses and don't be greedy. Losing control in gambling will make us regret it for the rest of our lives, we must be aware of the risks posed to ourselves or those closest to us.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1353
January 17, 2024, 06:00:11 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

I know what you are going thru, I think majority here has that kind of uncontrollable urge to gambling. And when I said to myself that I don't want or going to quit gambling for good, I will be tempted once again to gamble as everything is very accessible right now. What I do is set up a budget and try to play along that line.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.

Perhaps you need to change your environment, or maybe do some meditation. But then again, I have seen worst already and one reason that I have controlled my addiction like years ago is that I lose my job. Meaning I don't have the means to make money, hence continue to gamble. But in your case it could be different, so maybe talk to your family or as I have said, change everything so that it might help you forgot about gambling.
hero member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 880
Notify wallet transaction @txnNotifierBot
January 17, 2024, 05:55:00 PM
This kind of thoughts is gone crazy if you take gambling as source of income. Whatever statistics or strategy do you make there will be higher chance that you still loss, especially on common games like dice, slots, etc. You could always think there's a manipulation going when you loss. Unlike if you are in sports betting. Where the points of team or individuals are the one who is going to decide for the win, although it's not always the case.
hero member
Activity: 1120
Merit: 504
January 17, 2024, 05:47:26 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
If you want to gamble in a more comfortable and enjoyable way, then gamble with money that will not make you frustrated and depressed when you lose it. Because in my opinion gambling is just entertainment that can make people have fun while doing it, so you need to have a good mentality and not be easily depressed when you don't win at gambling. So if you still don't feel comfortable and don't feel happy doing it, it's better not to approach gambling, especially if it can make you so addicted to keep trying again without stopping that you don't have time to work anymore.
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1231
Top Crypto Casino
January 17, 2024, 05:40:22 PM
Even if you wrote few lines you described, without any doubt iny opinioni, you have a serious gambling addiction. The face you are writing here is Indeed a good sign you are aware of your issue. Spend some minutes reading this well written article to consolidate your awareness.
I strongly suggest you to week a professional help as soon as possibile, don't know where you are based but you can start looking for help here

Don't waste your life, talking about problems is the first step needed to solve them and you are already halfway through.
hero member
Activity: 3136
Merit: 591
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
January 17, 2024, 05:40:13 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy.
Hey, don't think of ending your life. You can't do that and you can do a lot more things than gambling. If you're getting depressed, stop and talk to your family or friends so that you can connect and have some conversation. Be open to them that you're experiencing worst thing with gambling and that's giving you the emotional problem of being depressed. Gambling is a business and that's why most casinos will want you to come back and will do some strategies for a customer to become their repeat customer or gambler.

Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
That's because you're chasing your losses and we don't recommend that to do. But if you are in that state and you're having troubles controlling it and if your family, relatives or friends don't help you with that problem. It's best for you to consult a professional help on handling this matter like a psychologists or psychiatrists that will help you on how to recover from this experience. They're the best ones to help you out on how to deal and get rid of this problem.
sr. member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 295
January 17, 2024, 05:26:21 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.

OP, do you want to be called a gambling addict? If you are not controlled by it, even if you make excuses, your behavior will show that "you are an addict".

How much money did you lose? And where does that money come from?

Remember that gambling is not your fault, it's your fault for letting greed and ignorance take over. Now I think the useful thing you might have to do is to stop, don't continue and take the lost money as a lesson, continuing to play is not the way for you to get back the lost money. And if you still maintain the idea that gambling gives you a chance, you will continue to lose, no one is forcing you to play out of control, as many previous comments from other members have said if you're not willing to lose money, don't gamble.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 398
January 17, 2024, 05:26:12 PM
There is nothing like spiritual manipulation in gambling. It's just some kind of teaching in your head, and you need to get that mindset off your shoulders in order to focus and look for possible ways to avoid gambling.
For the most part, I will advise you to seek professional help from those who specialise in helping addicts get out of it, and there will be some professional help and suggestions on how you can go about it.
But for the most part, I will suggest you try spending much of your free time with your loved ones and family in order for your mind to be distracted from gambling. You can engage in physical games with them, go out and have fun, and just don't allow yourself to feel like an idol for some time; it will help you work yourself out of it.
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 447
Fine by Time
January 17, 2024, 05:21:13 PM
Let me correct you OP, gambling companies do not involve themselves in ay spiritual stuff to get their patronizers addicted to gambling. Obviously, gambling is free to everyone, so each person that chose to gambling has their different reasons. Which ranges from get quick rich syndrome, greed and money doubling. Both rich and poor gambling and there is a genuine reason for that.
hero member
Activity: 2884
Merit: 794
I am terrible at Fantasy Football!!!
January 17, 2024, 05:17:43 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
You need professional help and the will to go through one of the most difficult experiences a person has to go through, which is to want to do something so badly and yet resist the urge to do it as you know it is not good for you, I am really sorry you have reached that point, as if you had looked for professional help before reaching that point then everything would have been way easier for you, but since that was not the case there is no point on regretting anymore, so do not delay this for a single second and look for the help you desperately need.
sr. member
Activity: 336
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January 17, 2024, 05:14:06 PM

These signs indicate early addiction. Casinos or betting companies don't have any spiritual influence. they might just be able to manipulate games physically to gain an advantage. A responsible gambler plans and strategizes before playing to reduce the risk of losing to the betting company or casino. While it's normal to feel tempted to continue after a loss, knowing your limits and stopping is crucial. Trying to recover lost funds can lead to more losses, so it's wise to stop at some point and not push it too far.
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Activity: 798
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
January 17, 2024, 05:13:50 PM
How can one control the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on once life.

It's getting worse every day. I'm extremely depressed I have thoughts of unaliving myself more often, some times I feel the betting companies manipulate people spiritually to get them addicted where be playing without plans and strategy. Once a bet place get cut, there is this uncomfortable urge to quickly book another one with the plans of recovering the first money lost but it will end up cutting again.
Seeking professional help will go a long way helping you save you from such a situation most times it's not about any spiritual manipulation but simply addiction at it's chronic stage and that's why you sometimes feel depressed when you have not satisfied the urge that comes with such addiction and sadly no amount of wins will keep you away from it either.

Visit a therapist, psychologist or a psychiatrist depending on any of which if available around you and you can afford it, don't have the mindset that you are been manipulated into doing that which you are doing as such mindset will foster your gambling habit,as much as possible make that conscious decisions to want to quit and then that will propel you to seeking for solutions but if you are lax about it and expect it will be resolved by bothering, then be ready to have even worse experience.
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